Farewell to thee...

I am sitting at the airport, emotionally bursting at the seams, thinking that I will be home in six hours flat. I thought I would pop in to say a hi, but then thought I might as well as post.
So all of you QL people, be good while I am away. All you take care and know that I’ll be missing ya all.
Let the soap opera continue!
you must be at home by the time you read this. I know that my message is the last of your worries, but still i extend my best wishes for a wonderful time during your beloved ones
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
You are totally hawt and rocks better than a boat in a thundering maelstrom!
Have a safe flight and wonderful vacation - look forward to seeing you when you return.
Your Great auntie jauntie
Being the damn sentimentalist that i am, i wanted this break. At a year and a half away from home, i was feeling the strain. I may be incommunicado for the next one month. But thats fine, i will be right back.
Thanks, Mir, PM, king and DG for the wishes. See ya all soon.
You go and have a great time with your family. I'm sure they are so looking forward to your return. Best of luck in all you plan to do there ;)
I will miss you buddy, you did not say that you would be leaving today? Will always look forward to see you again, have a nice and safe trip ... enjoy your vacation ... close your eyes, open them again ... and you will find yourself here in Qatar.
Best Regards
Keep doing the good work!