Cat sitting ? Help!

By Cornellian •
Hmmm...can anyone take care of my cat for 26 days while I'm gone ? He's a male, about 7 months old, desexed and got his vaccines, and has a great personality (active and very friendly).
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Arenot you member of that group??? ok i will post it there for you coz i am :D
I cant seem to be able to post this in the animal group, anyone help ?
was here lookin here for ur cat sych a sick dumb head he is. good he got banned last night :/ wish i could ask him to come and take the snake for me just for 1 day.
Hello ?
Mez, I posted it here cause I know and trust some of the people on the forum.
If you don't want someone you don't know to look after your cat, why post the question on a public forum?
Anyway, more helpfully, have you asked on the pet lovers group? Someone there might be able to help.
Moonbeam, I know it's such short notice, it's cause this whole trip was a short notice too. I did check with Qatar Vet Center, but it's not cheap for a college student.
msamei, when I say "I can't give my cat to someone I don't know", it means I will not give u my cat cause I don't know u, it doesn't mean I want to get to know u!!
I would love to cat-sit your pet but STORM would raise a "storm" when he see any feline in the premises. :-(
Did you check with Poppy at the kennel?
that’s okay u made a decision for me then, or can i go far from that, "someone I don't know" may be u want to know me :)))
Anyway hope you find a place for ur bet before u leave
My goodness, you leave very little time to find yourself a cat sitter! :P Have you discussed with the cattery or the vets? Also try posting up on the group (if you haven't already). Sorry, my two beasts :) would have her as a kit kat, pardon the pun..... Good luck. :)
"Life is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage." ~Sri Aurobindo
Sorry msamei, I can't give my cat to someone I don't know.
and so , take it or think again ?
My husband always chase the stray cat away from our garden, i am afraid your cat wont be still in one piece when you come back from the hols.
yes live alone but realy afriad to have a cat for a long time but if 26 days only i can manage a room for it :)
much as i love cats, my room mate has a dog who sleeps in our room...i don't want to jeopardize the life of your cat...:)
shan't be back in time. My husband is a frustrated non cat owner (keeps feeding the kitties round our rubbish chute) so we would have been happy to look after your feline friend had we been there. Hope you have luck finding a 'keeper'.
Mind you - I'm not a kitty person, so it would have had a problem sharing my hub with me!
only 26 days ?
Oh and I'm leaving Wednesday I'm anxiously waiting for a reply to decide on what to do.