Why do guys fall in love with girls ?

Why do guys fall in love with girls ?
Here are a few reasons
why guys like girls
They will always smell good
even if its just shampoo
The way their heads always
find the right spot on our shoulder
How cute they look when they sleep
The ease in which they fit into our arms
The way they kiss you and
all of a sudden everything
is right in the world
How cute they are when they eat
The way they take hours
to get dressed
but in the end
it makes it all worth while
Because they are always
warm even when its minus 30 outside
The way they look good
no matter what they wear
The way they fish for compliments
even though you both know that you
think she's the most
beautiful thing on this earth
How cute they are when they argue
The way her hand always finds yours
The way they smile
The way you feel
when you see their name
on the call ID
after you just had a big fight
The way she says
"lets not fight anymore"
even though you know that
an hour later....
The way they kiss when
you do something nice for them
The way they kiss you
when you say
"I love you"
Actually ...
just the way they kiss you...
The way they fall into your arms
when they cry
Then the way they apologize
for crying over something that silly
The way they hit you
and expect it to hurt
Then the way they apologize
when it does hurt.
(even though we don't admit it)!
The way they say
"I miss you"
The way you miss them
The way their tears
make you want to
change the world
so that it
doesn't hurt her anymore.....
Yet regardless
if you love them,
hate them,
wish they would die
know that you would die
without them ...
it matters not.
Because once in your life,
whatever they were to the world
they become everything to you.
When you look them in the eyes,
traveling to
the depths of their souls
you say a million things
without trace of a sound,
you know that your own life
is inevitable consumed
within the rhythmic beatings
of her very heart.
We love them for a million reasons,
No paper would do it justice.
It is a thing not of the mind
but of the heart.
A feeling.
Only felt.
So guys what do you think is it real :)
Trans From [email protected]
tries to ignore work here..(even if there are tons of papers staring at me, asking for me to check them out..lol)
How convenient things are getting in today's world right...understandable...pls dont resign from that company cos u dont have a recliner chair...hold on a little while...pardon ur manager...he will get u the chair asap...till then hold on...
Kidding buddy...so whats lined up for today...loads of work...where do u work and as what buddy?
Owen: Hmmm...choice not to work...is not much of a choice...but out of self selection i wud say...what do u think...so u working hard? or Hardly working buddy?
Lol , actually i tried to bring my bed to office but my manager didn't accept that, but he promised me that he will buy convertible chair for me next month so that i can sleep well really he realize how much i suffer because of less sleeping time ;P
[img_assist|nid=25074|title=Life is Wonderful , so smile ,,,|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Jesus...from 5p.m or a.m dude...if its 5 p.m then i guess u shud get back to bed...dont u think buddy...ya right...comeon dude...almost 14 hrs of sleep do one thing...bring a bed to office and continue...
yeah yeah yeah..still i haven't been able to check those songs..:P
han19..am fine except for..uhhmmm (did you read my..never mind..will PM you..:D ) miss yah..:)
ksarat?..mood for work?..do we have a choice?..:S
maxi, go back to sleep...(if you are allowed..)..:)
have a nice day everyone..
Very Good Morning all
i feel very sleeeeepy today i haven't got enuagh time to sleep i have just slept only from 5:00 PM till today 7:00AM i think this not good ;P
[img_assist|nid=25074|title=Life is Wonderful , so smile ,,,|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Not yet han...i havent been updated on urself as yet...but i have just been getting to know ur dear freinds for the past couple of days...but what i understand is that u r like a Hindi Pundit...sahin hain naa?
Anyways good morning to u and ofcourse a big big HI to u...
So whats lined up at work for u today and ofcourse the others as well?
Looks like everyone are in a mood to work today is it?
should i cut and paste my comment from the other thread here. as long as i am getting some attention.
hi owen sweety, how you doing?
hi rayyz, colt, gg, ntn and r7.whats on the agenda today?
ksarat, have we met before? if we havent, my dear friends will update you on who i am :-D but a big HI to you too.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
Good morning lady and Gentlemen,
Hey buddies...hows u ppl doing today...sheessh...how can u sleep at 3 and 4 and get ur asses to work so early...i mean dont u guys need sleep...its not good for health...and neither for work...
Anyways whats in store for today ppl?
Morning yall... Owen, you shud learn to turn that snooze button off on the alarm that wakes you up every now and then... or maybe you were thinking of the songs you hadta download and listen to... REMEMBER??? :-P
same thing here..slept at around 3a.m....wake up again to see 3:45 on the clock argh!!!..tries to sleep again, wake up again at 4:25..grrrr..tries to sleep again, and the darn alarm wake me up again at 6...:-S...
anyway, good morning to all..:D
Good morning guys. Hope you all are doing good.
Yet another day same situation. Where's the darn pillow!!!!!!
Slept at 4 and now at work :(
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
GG, Mallu, really?
i think list is quite true.
at least for me:)
but it doesnt make me feel good right now. cuz i may miss someone:p
u have been bye'ing for last 1 hour ....just GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Bye Ray
Bye colt me off too.
Have nice evening all of you
i guess the women left us w a n k e r s long ago to talk among ourselves... sheesh! wat a pity they din get to read my hindi dialogue... anyways... i'll be outtie in another hour, so i better get some work done... take care guys... all the best!!!
u have been bye'ing for last 1 hour ....just GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Bye ray
Alrite guys am outta this place.
Cheers and have a great day ahead!
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Arey sorry boss samajh mein aa gaya...no more talks about that...only (Actions)...chalo guys take care god bless...and have a nice evening...
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!C u tomorrow....
Mai kya bola??? mai sida sada admi hu yaar...
What to Maxi...u were away...and we spoke a little bout ur topic and then we had to sort of change the moods...in other words...hijack the thread...it was getting too emotional with the girls...oooooff....
And YEs Colt: Sorry only guzzling down it ...i know...u r right,...
Rayz: Arey boss i figured that out i was jus kiddin...lets catch up for a drink sometime...dekhthe hain...
Colt: Kya baat bola mamu...
NTN: Yes looks like he stopped QL, Work and is now onto movies Hindi...to beat the crap out of GG...in Hindi...good going Colt...
If you haven't realised it yet. Your thread has officially been hijacked by us. :)
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
and that goes for me too... dun offend us by talking about drinks here ok... we dun like talking about it... only guzzling it... lol!!!
good did u start watching hindi movie in office itself ??? LOL
Colt : LOL that was funny. Good going. Keep it up.
Ksarat : Abe nahi yaar. Infact I forgot to add, I get back home and wank off too. You really need a crash course on picking up hints dude.
Are you related to R7 by any chance? LOL
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Ohh i couldn't understand it is it encrypted posts ? :)
[img_assist|nid=25074|title=Life is Wonderful , so smile ,,,|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Aap bura tho nahin maan gaye...cos i asked u bout the drink...
KSA... Ray aur Colt Bombaywale hai... thoda sa bhi natak kiya na aur bombaywale ke bare mein boora baat kiya na... tere kaan ke niche bajayega to gaand mein se awaz niklega...
how's my dialogue guys??? :-P
WooooW i missed this fantastic conversation i was in meetings all the day, but really all of you are stars i think i started to fall in love with all of you "Woooof i will be tired i guess lol ;P"
[img_assist|nid=25074|title=Life is Wonderful , so smile ,,,|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
Arey nahin madam aisi koi baat nahin hain...
Infact mein tho bolta hoon...all of u shud come over one fine evening to my house...an open invitation...ofcourse...with ur hand made food and self brought drinks...and we shud spend an evening at my house...we have jus moved in to a new place...its very beautiful...
Please think about this invitation...with ur families ofcourse...
Drink and me!!!??? No never! I just goto cloudnyn to watch babes, eat popcorns and watch their stupid DJ do weird antics! ;)
Cheers! :P
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Take care yall... like always, a pleasure talkin to you'll... muah!!! (the muah was for GG - KSA chal baju mein ho ja) lol!!!
Arey bhai ofcourse...bilkul bhi nahin khechne ka...got it...
Alright buddies...take care have fun...
Bye GG...have fun thru the evening...
meet is banned subject here....LOL
And why only ray is being invited?????
Abe saale Hyderabadi.
Colt jaisa bhi hai. Gutter mein jira pada, ganda, loafer, mawaali, gunda, luccha aur lafanga. Jo bhi hai lekin woh mere shaher wala hai samjha?
Uski khechne ka nahi. Kya?
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Cheers buddy...fun too...it was good time-pass with all of u...now i can tell my bro that QL has a good bunch of ppl sitting wherever...to help pass-time and pull leg...and ofcourse...have fun...
Lets try to meet up sometime...for a drink or so (u drink i wud guess)...
Oye GG mallu... how the hell did your hindi get to be so good? I must start watchinf hindi movies with eng subtitles, i think i will learn good hindi from there... kya bolti tu ;-)?
KSA - Me from Bombay... the greatest city in all of India!!! :-P
thanks to hindi movies for my not so complicated hindi knowledge...
han is online... but I think she is busy.. or refrain from posting...
Anywayz.... am off... have fun... feeling guilty for not doing anything at work... not my fault... no work..lol I dont keep anything pending....
Cya laterzzzz
Arey bhai...all morning i was there online but i was also working...and saale...without anyone working at QTel do u think ur services wud have been stable...saaala...(kiddin)...
Dude u r a Mumbaiyite and u r asking a Mallu to translate for u...Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh///////// never expected u to go down so much in life...izzat poora mitti mein mila dee...Ray ki...
Take care dude. Was fun chatting with you and pulling ur leg.
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Translation....what to do...i cant see COlt trying and breaking his head out for not understanding...I have gotten over the hunger thingy buddy...dont remind me that so many times...NTN...LOL...
And allthe while i thought GG was tryin to pick up on Hindi...Colt dude...where do u come from...
Saala popat... it's just past 1400hrs and yu're already off to go home? No wonder Qtel services suck... bloody hell all morning he was online and now gets up and goes home... does anyone work in Qtel?
Beta thodi sharam kar. GG is from Kerala and her mother tongue is Malayalam and just imagine a bombayite asking her to translate hindi into some other language.
Take crash course in Hindi from Han whenever she is online! :P
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
ok so i dun do the hindi thingy too well... i mean it's not like i can't understand anything, but like when you guys talk hi-fi hindi like GG just did... fcuk it doesn't even go bouncer... it goes full toss over my head... so keep it simple GG... or i will havta make my own translations which i dun think wud be very good... lol!!!
U actually tried translating that......Man hunger really gets on to u .
Take care ,have fun
Ladies and Gentlemen...
Have a nice evening and a blessed afternoon...mein tho nikla office sey...
Take care ppl...
Have fun...and be good...
And hey Colt...
She said...
" its tough to translate...but a little bit...Hum Bewafa Har ghiz na the: i was never unfaithful...par hum wafa kar na sake: But i cudnt also be faithful..." the other line i m sure NTN can look after it...
its like one blind man asking the way to another blind man.....lol I thought you know hindi..lol
Its a song dude..
She just said that if you can read and comprehend this text you deserved to get fooked!
Now, weren't you a happier bloke without the translation?
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
I dunno wat the hell GG just said with those hindi words... will someone please translate that for me...
kaun bewafa ho gaya ?Kisko saza mili?
Accepted...played the cards wrongly...got carried away with diff posts...
Fooks a daisy, that Hindi was too hi-fi for me... im a simple guy you see, so you'll havta break that down foe me... ;-)
Looks like the attention turns to me now...
Hyd...naaa...no green eyes...and no gender confusion bros...jus misplacing the cards...happens to all doesnt it buddies...
Yes Hunger...what to do dudes...kaam hee kuch aisa hain...
Now u r really proving to be a popat.I said i dont want a number!!!!!Thats what good without it means.
Tendencies perfectly normal........ :)
Hum Bewafa.... Harkiz Na dhey..Par Hum Wafa.... Kar Na Sake
Humko Mili Uski Sazaa....Hum Jo Khata Kar Na Sake
I hope this song is fit for the situation...
the people from HYD have hair as well and umm... they feel hungry a lot and ummm... they mix up genders...lol!!! KSA enlighten us some more pal!!!
LOL Popat! A Hyderabadi one at that! :P Never seen one from Hyderabad in real life. Are they green in color too?
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Colt...Come on dude...was checking on whether she wud want it for other reasons so as to leave the kicking u part out of it...and in that way she doesnt have to get her hands dirty u see...
NTN...Hmmm...looks like another fight on the way with Ray for the number...so u want it for free dont u...girl?
you can have the nbr for all i care, i din ask for it... i said give her my nbr... lol... popat!!!
Well dude...i wud rather leave the lady alone...cos she is not feeling too good...and i dont wanna get murdered by Colt...for having her number...
Sometimes u gotto play a cheapstake...pardonne me...
Nah good without it and with ray having the number ,i dont think i have to bid it ,I ll have to fight it up....LOL
Dude, what a cheapskate are you!???
Wouldn't you love to have a number of a good looking girl in Doha who would at your beck and call for just Qrs. 100!!???
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Dude you gotta get your act together... why the fook wud NTN bid for a babe's nbr... duh!!! The last time I checked she was married or sumthing like that but not a dyke!!!
NTN - see i take up for you and so you're on my nbr 1 list coz GG has multiple men and so that's taken care of...
Only me for bidding...such a cheap deal...not in my last of the agendas to do...i thought theere wud be some competition...hmmm...now i have to think about it again...get in some competition...hey NTN do u want to bid for the number...
Well see Colt hasn't bid yet, I guess you could just have it for dirt cheap. Lets begin with Qrs. 100 shall we?
Since you will be the only one bidding for it, guaranteed that the bid will be awarded in your favor!
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
read up a few posts, you'll get the drift of who wants who's number...
Wats the starting bid looking like...looks like this bid has to take a new thread...its gng to higher and higher...what do u think Rayz...
I can see now that number is real safe with u buddy...
Are you crazy to think that I'd pass on such a handy spare tyre's number to someone like colt? Don't you dare trying to get into the queue.
The number is safe with me! :)
Alright on second thoughts, the number goes to the highest bidder. Who's gonna take it?
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
O come on NTN...give me tht copyright...its a deadly post...got to give it to my frends who r down and fighting against lovee bites...
I dont steal my posts......And yes copyright is mine .LOL
Colt who gave whome what number?
Oryx : ACcpeted ur comments true to a certain extent that even men can fall for girls...i know sometimes ppl are really caring, or rather careful with playing games...
NTN: What a lovely post...where did u steal that from...it was lovely...i hope there is no copyright on that to be using it elsewhere...
Colt: Has ur nbr been given to her...?
is nothing but a game(Male or Female).Who falls first ,who regrets first and who cries first doesnt really matter .
When either of above state is reached the loser starts self convincing.Most of self convincing or acceptence we term as Love.
One can play this love love game for sex or have sex for this game.
Sharper and clever one enjoys.SIMPLE
If both are okay with it then its fine... what I was trying to say in many instance girls do it deliberately for lust and for material benefits...but the guy thinks she is truly in love with him and with him only..lol
I'd say... give that girl my nbr... lol!!!
I dont think you can say girls fall in love faster...
Some men seem to fall good and hard and men do seem to find it a lot harder to get over a break up.
I think it is why men can be a bit blasé sometimes - they are protecting their soft hearts........ ahhhhhhhh
Don't mean to deviate from the topic. But what if the girl (definitley not a miss universe) did deliberately initiate the process despite know the guy is married and only for reasons related to lust for better reasons known to both, would you think that could be accounted under this thread?
Ahh... Colt this might interest you. I kinda agree with what Cornellian said about men falling for boobs.
"Professor Screwton's third Law : The angle the dangle is directly proportional to the mass of the a s s minus the thrusts of the b-reasts." :)
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
The older the bull, the stronger the horn eh??? lol!!!
sometimes girls do smitten with sweet words from guys..and made this thing an advantage, specially when they know how to "talk their way" to a girl..poor us, being lured into this kind of approach..:D
when will we ever learn..woman!..lool
Men give love to have sex.......and women give sex to have love......may b true in some cases. C Ya got to take my seista. Cant afford to be without it at my age.....
Keep pumping some iron Colt45........otherwise u would be downgraded to Magnum357.....hope it doesnt matter as long as u r firing.... cheers
Tough call on who fall in love first...
Corne: Ppl or rather women fall in love faster bcos they think from the heart...maybe bcos Love always starts from the Heart...and not from the Brains...
King: Well in a way what u jus said is true...but then again...ppl before getting into a relation dont think twice as to whether the society the come from, their parents, and they themselves wud accept such a relation...
Nowadays its like a fashion or a prestige issue "Having a GF/ BF"
All crap one night stands...very few are pretty serious about the relation and going ahead till Destiny...how unfortunate...
I mean why do ppl forget the fact that...individuals themselves understand their family better than anyone else and then they themselves end up saying...my family is not accepting the relationship...so sad...pathetic for ppl to say such a thing after being in a good and healthy relation...
anyways...such as life...aint it?????????????
44B... wtf??? lol... well im just getting 'em... so kinda like wearing the training bra...lmao!!! damnit i need to hit the gym!!!
I can bet.. if a girl deliberately take an initiate in making a guy fall her its possible in most cases..(not all) Not that she should be Miss. universe or something...Sex has nothing to do with what I am saying its a heart game..lol Doesnt make much of a difference if she is married or single..
Agrees with King...
as u say self sufficient........mine 44 B...what's urs?
Lotta men have man boobs as well... and im starting with the man in the mirror... lmao!!!
Those are men with hearts & brains of boys who despite being married fall for young beautiful single women!
Gotta admit, that makes me a boy :( or :) can't decide. LOL
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
U mean just with a smile?????? Poor guy!!! why do u say EVEN married men....because they have sexual experience b4? or what. Or do u mean to say married (mature) men fall for single young girls......
Probably you wont, many men do..some of them even married men fall for single young girls... its a fact.
gypsy wrote
"I mean if a girl smile at them they fall for her? How many guys agree with me? Its much easy to make a guy fall for a girl..."
That what separates men from boyz dear......boyz fall over....men don't.
And here I thought guys fall in love with girls just cause we have boobs...ah silly me lol.
Oh and gypsy gal, actually there are ALOT of girls who fall in love with a guy cause he said a few sweet words...in general women think with their heart more than men do. So I would say women fall faster than men.
I don't know what to say, but I find it really difficult to fall in love with girls. My heart is so locked and you might say sealed with my thoughts and ideas. The first question that I always ask myself before even thinking of talking to a girl is: Where would we end up in the end? While most of the guys just think of the relation and never look a head and think about the consequences, we will continue to have issues and problems again and again.
I know that it is hard for the girl to fall in love with the guy and that is why ... when that guy broke her heart later ... she always find it really hard and difficult to recover. Because when she say: I Love You, then she mean it because it is hard for the girl to say it simply like that ... While you will find the guy meeting and hanging out with 5 or 10 girls and telling them all the same thing, talking about the love that is not there.
Are we girls all that good?? lol
I have a question? Why do guys fall in love so fast? I mean if a girl smile at them they fall for her? How many guys agree with me? Its much easy to make a guy fall for a girl...but its not that easy for girl to fall in love that fast.. (of course there are exceptions)...
Nathan your recommnedation letter is not so good... do you wanna change the pic??? lol
If a man really appreciates a woman from these lists, then i guess no one would be divorced or heartbroken.
But men seem to find a way to go to other girls (even if they mean no harm and it was a one time thing YEAH RIGHT!!!)
Nice one...no comments
[img_assist|nid=24194|title=A Good Face|desc=::oo:: A good face is a letter of recommendation ::o::|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
poor maxi seems to be living in a fantasy world lol
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
Guys! I find QL a female dominated site (no offence meant)......female issues r not the only things happening in Qatar.........Poor maxi he thinks he knows women......lol
maxi buddy, are you serious? I thought this was the case until I married my woman hehehehe
May the roof above us never fall in, and may the friends below never fall out!
maxi you are right, guys fall in love with gals due to "nature " and it is due to Newtons third law basically
You forgot to add most important aspect for guys falling in love with girls or vice versa. It is in-built by 'nature'. Thats the way (normal) humans are, to get attracted to the opposite sex. Whether she uses shampoo or not :)
600 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
Guess most of them makes sense. Nice list, mate, and most of them true too... especially the kissing part, hehe...
{Hate mails, please direct it to my PM folder, thank you, :)}