Road of Doha - Will they Ever Improve

Got up this morning and was standing at my Balcony watching the car's play the game of chicken to escape Road Works Barrier. As the lane is just open for one car to pass by from both sides you see the driver's impatience to cross first. I am a resident in Al Mansoora Area and its a pity to see the condition of the Roads that connect the Residential Apartments in this Area. Last Year the Road was closed for a Major Sewer Pipe Laying Work, and that took about 1.5 years to complete. After that a series of road works continued on all sides of the road (Water Line, Electricity Lines). I always kept watching the Road Works. One fine day we were told that The Roads Condition will be improved as they would re-surface the whole area which did happen and the work done by the contractor was great. Very Happy finally that we would get a New Surface and no more or Pot Holes, the Knightmare just began. Since then there have series of Road Works, that have happened and even now there are road works on all sides. Each and every contractor blames one another for a Job done BAD. Works complete no one bothers to cover the mess, and re-surface with Tar (The Usual Patch work theory) on the roads. Now the road has become even more dangerous, with Pot Holes,Dug up Sides, Road work debris, and you see car's tackle each other, you can her screeching brake's and what more POT Holes deep enough to damage your car's suspension.
I wonder when this battering of the Roads would come to an end and when would we have nice, smooth roads in Doha?? I am here since 26 years, and i have been around and seen the roads of other GCC countries, but only Doha seems to have Manholes & Pot Holes in the Middle of the fast lane here. You can see one under Jaidah Flyover even now.
I love this country, but i hate the roads here... My only question that remains as of now is WHEN ???
in Houston, the time they finish building one road to accomodate the traffic, its overcrowded and they have to start all over again.
lol ... it will never improve lol... They dig up, and dig up and dig up.