On a Lighter Note

A tattooed guy who, as a joke, dressed up in his ex-wife's size 12 wedding gown and put it up for auction got more than he expected. The auction received 6 million hits and the dress ended up selling for $3850. The guy got five marriage proposals.
Give it a shot, mufy. If it works out don't forget your old buddy here having planted this seed in your brain and all.
Post the pic here first and we'll give you feedback before you go global with it.
Ooooops ... Lol.
e46, i can draw myslef one pretty well with a marker to take a foto.. hope that works out.. i don't like tattooing ma body. but i like to see tiny tattos on others body
Tattoos. No, I didn't get my vowels mixed up, novita.
tats? whats that?
I don't know, mufy, do you have tats?
ok next time i run out of money.. i'll put a wedding gown and put on ebay...
is that a good idea..?