CFA Level 1 study group.

By charbel_hbt •
Hi all,
I am sitting for the CFA L1 in December, and looking for buddies to study with. I'm a 29-year old portfolio manager who just landed in Doha.
Drop me a line if interested.
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I am taking the level 1 exam in December 07 as well and am interested to join the study group. Let me know how I can get in touch with you guys. My email is [email protected]
Ms. Ghinwa El-Sabeh
[email protected]
+961 1 346 550
I do have the financial calculator. I need just the books, but give me the info on how to get the books from your source.
Hi! Definitely we can start at the same time. You gotta register online, then buy your books and a financial calculator. And you gotta hurry!
For the books, you have 2 options: Schweser of CFA institute.
I'm not sure where (or IF) you can buy them in Doha, but both are available to order online. I got my Schweser books from Lebanon; maybe the delivery to Doha is faster than ordering from the US. I have the contact details if you're interested. They also have financial calcs (but it's a rip-off!).
Hello there. I have been thinking about joining the program. Maybe we could both start at the same time!
Where did you get the CFA books from?
What is the closest place to the books from?