Transfer of UAE driving License

I will be moving to Doha with in a couple of weeks. I am working in Dubai now and i have UAE driving license(International Validity) I just want to know the procedure for transeferring my licence in Qatar. Is it required to go for the driving test in qatar, or can i easily transfer it without test? please advise...
Can any body guide me about the validity of Qatari Driving License in UAE, Please note that I am in driving school now, wish to obetain the Qatari license soon and then move to UAE, Can i get a valid transfer in UAE??
Hi all,
Thanks for your suggestions. But is it required to convert my UAE driving license to International ? Here we can get international validity (valid for one year) by paying 150 Dirhams. People going out of UAE make it before they go.. But i heard that, even if we dont make it international, we can drive anywhere in GCC coutries with the UAE driving license. Is that OK?
hi mshajan ... if you have valid UAE license you can just transfer to Qatari license.
in Dubai its not possible before two years they also used to change Qatar driving license, Dubai police reseerch lot of thinks about Qatar driving system , then they stop now to give change Qatari driving license
If you have Qatar D/L and want to drive in UAE....
How can you make it possible?
you don't have to go driving test Dubai license , you can drive with out transfer also or with out interfering you can drive , just drive safe some one will be waiting for you