Legal software or not?

By mozartella •
Hi there,
Since I'll be coming to work in Doha soon and consider bringing my laptop with me I would like to ask if legal software is absolutely obligatory. I mean... do I have to actually BUY all software products I will need, because here in Bulgaria we actually don't buy any of it, we just download it and crack it or use the already cracked versions. Still the law here is against software piracy, but only the big companies are affected by that law.
So... will somebody check my laptop when I arrive (for ex on the airport) or I shouldn't be worried?
Cracked versions?They always brings troubles,never working fine,i stoped to use that shit.Good luck for your time in Doha.:-)
no ur laptop will not be checked for illegal softwares.
but please beware of bringing any software pirated CD(s) with u ...if u will caught with that
then u will get fine and maybe jail also...depend on the company of the software(s)
so plz becareful...
[---"Imagination is more important than knowledge"---]