Unmarried couple to rent Hotel....Which hotel?

By lovern_cute •
Hi guys! I'm Planning to visit my bf in Qatar maybe this July. This are the Hotels that so far i seen(website only) Royal Qatar,Oasis Hotel and Beach Club,Al Muntazah Plaza Hotel and Al Sultan beach Resort.
Anyone will suggest which one you recommend or should i say Which hotel that they allow couple (not married yet) to rent with out any hassle?..
Or anyone can recommend me other hotel or Any apartment i can rent for short term that they allow couple to rent. I would really appreciate your help.
Thanks alot.
When I first visited Sealine (Dec 2005) I asked what the room rates were. Apart from being shocked at the price (600QR for a beach hut?!!) I was also informed that a marriage certificate would be requested at check in.
I'm guessing it hasn't changed.
But I've stayed at Rydges many times without a marriage certificate - and although my wife didn't join me in the room (nor did anyone else!) it wouldn't have been difficult. But I don't know what the reaction would be if you wanted to stay for a week ....
As e46m3 says, this is technically illegal in Qatar; your b/f (who is already here in Qatar) should work out a solution. Note that many people rent their apartments for a month in summer whilst they are away on holiday.
Even in Bahrain they ask for our marriage cert when we check inn to a hotel. although we have our kids with us! That's why we always have our marriage cert copy in our hands before crossing the boarder from Saudi with love! not sure nowadays, but that's just last year before we come down here in Qatar. Although lots of prostitutions going on in Bahrain they still check on people.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
We're a member at Intercon Hotel and I go to the gym and local woman are quite friendly with me and they are telling me about checking inn with their boyfriends with giggles who's already married. when the hotel ask for a marriage cert. he will show his marriage cert and say I am expecting my wife to come in a next couple of hours time. then he'll call his girlfriend and they won't even realized it's not his wife!
Hello! they are also human being as long as other people are not reporting them! they also do normal thing that other people do!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
Indonesian! Sorry. :)
WOW. No way. Cause you're pesky Malaysian. :) Unbelievable.
they did ! but it was 5 yrs ago ... valentine day ... and with our son !!!
yes this is Qatar hehe...
Well, it's not like their going to ask for a copy of your marriage license at the hotel right? But I don't know! :) This is Qatar.
why doesnt he invite u at his place to live with him for a short while.
hmmm... quiet a risk you are taking. But since you are American (based on your info) maybe they won't be so harsh on you. Maybe just a slap on the wrist.
I think you should get an advice first from your embassy. This may be the safest way to do it.
Not recommended. This is illegal in Qatar. While people manage to do it on an irregular basis I don't think cohabiting in a hotel is a good idea. You could very well be asking for trouble.