Please HELP

Hello everyone, I am new at this. I am currently living in USA>
I will be relocating to Doha due to my husbands job relocation.
I am needing advice in alot of areas.
First off, I need to know alittle bit about the American school over there. My 2 sons are 10 and 13. When does school start over there?
Also I have 2 dogs that will be coming. A poodle, and Rat terrier.
Is there certain precautions that I need to take.
Also, my husbands employer told him that we will be ranked 5 class. What does that mean?
I am very excited about the move in a way.
Me and the boys have never been outside the USA. I know we will go thru a culture shock.
Is there any kind of support groups for women from the USA, So I can get involved in, of meeting others/
I am looking forward of meeting different people and learining about different cultures.So if there is a group to bring these women together for lunch or anything please let me know.
I have been doing alittle bit of research on this country.
Also, I am very Southern, I am very outgoing.
So please give me tips on that. DO I need to learn to keep my mouth shut and not be so friendly?
I heard that there is certain people that I can't talk to over there/ Is that true?
Also 1 more thing.
I met a guy in the USA from Doha several years ago, He came to Louisiana for his education at Tech. I would love to be reuntied with him.
His name is ABDULLATIF KHALD ALMANA. If anyone knows of his whereabouts please let me know.
I Have done search on the internet, also I have tried the international directory but never can get thru.
I am looking forward of meeting as many people that I can.
for bringing your dogs try to contact the following
Seeing as you are coming in from the US, it's pretty easy for you; especially when you decide to go back.
I admin the Pet Group here which you might like to check out. Click on the 'Groups' title on the top right of the page and find our group. There you will find some information to help you.
Good Luck, and don't hesitate to send me a private message if you have any queries.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Just on the subject of bringing your dogs in, I brought my dog from the UK last year without much hassle. The only thing that I would recommend from my own experience is that, after your dogs have landed at the airport, you are at the mercy of the customs men here. If you are not an arabic speaker I would advise you to use the Doha Vets "meet and greet" service. They will either meet you at the airport and clear your dogs through customs (can be complicated, when mine came they had lost the paperwork en route), or they will collect, clear and deliver your pet. The guy who does this is an arabic speaker and well known to the airport staff. I'm not sure how we would have managed without him. I can't remember how much it costs but it was worth every penny or should I say riyal! The customs men were very nice, but didn't speak English. Welcome to QL, I hope that you are finding it helpful. If you need any help when you arrive there are lots of us who will help you, keep in touch.
There is nothing like you can't to some people. You can talk to anybody over here and its what you talk that will dictate.
Welcome to Doha
Forgive & Forget.
of course - no problem
on me too send me a pm also my Inbox is like a begger pot :D
Hi - Just sent you a PM and I see in the phone book:
Almana, Abdullateef Khalid Mohd Abdullateef. Don't know if that's your guy or not. :)
tfrosty, you can try the American Women’s Association
Last I knew their number was 483-6257
here the address of american school of doha. They normally start a bit earlier than british one, around end of august (or last week of august).