Pre-emplyment Medical

Hi all
I've accepted an offer to work in Doha and have been told I need to have a pre-medical in the UK before I come to check I meet immigration requirements.
My problem is that I don't think my GP surgery can do this (they don't have a chest xray machine for starters!) and I'm stumped for how to proceed. Google is failing me for once.
Has anyone had a pre-employment medical in the UK and how did they go about arranging it? I'm in Leeds if that might make a difference.
Thanks for any help
Will your company pay for them or reimburse you?
And if they want to give you immunisations, don't let them give you Twinrix for hepatitis because you can't get the follow-up injections here.
Talk to your GP surgery. They can refer you to a hospital for the chest x-ray, and maybe for the blood tests too.
They want you to have a medical before leaving the UK because life gets expensive and complicated if a problem is uncovered after you arrive.
But basically the company want to me to have a medical before I come to check that I will pass the Qatar tests
I'm not aware of this. I know once in Qatar and before the reidence permit can be issued people are screened for HIV, TB and hepatitis.