Great Night

It was great .I reached home at 2:30.
Thanx Xena .
It was nice meetin you all.
Jax 13
Gypsy {The Great Hater (no heart breaks pls)}
Sindabad in love
Guys I know u all whom I met yesterday, but if I have missed any names here ,pls add it, its quite difficult to remember all the names in a single night.
see ya soon.
That's easier to remember! Looooooooooool you cheat!!
no way,
check the post carefully
u r name is in the first place.
Work Hard, Party Harder.
You forgot me!!! huhuuhuh..... nice to meet all of you, and you!!! yes you also manubtl even though you forgot my name! LOL
r u ready?
i missed it too. :(
Ahh darn it.... . was away on biz- dragged in the very last min... puhhhhhhhhhhleeeeeeze let me know when is the next one!!!!
lets celebrate mid week fever.
coz i m leavin on wednesday, so I m ready, any volunteers??
Hello xena, whens the next nite out cos i keep missing them!!
QL, pulled it off... hehehe...
Glad everyone had a stunning time... it was great meeting all of you....
Keep your eyes peeled to the social group for next weeks event...
Darn Nepalis. :P Always thinking people are old and bitter when really their foine young chicks.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I used to think u to be qute aged and tough looking lady, but u were just opposite.
I know u hate me. :-)
I forgot to mention you and u r wife.
lovey dovey night? hmmm...
There was a mixup so we had a lovey dovey night at home. Next time though.
Was e4 there? I thought he said he is coming with his missus.
glad to see that all of you enjoyed the evening.
good going.
keep it on xena.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
well done so proud of u ! *tear tear*
yes cornelian, i do follow through with some of my posts by clicking the "post comment" button.... instead of thinking too hard about what im about to say...
nice meeting u too...thanx for the drinks btw...:P
Yes ! Jon commented ! woohoo!
me lads and lassies.....
I what is really important is that you used, "Arghhh" completely in context...
Arghhh seems like I missed alot of people...
The feeling is mutual, bro!
Damn...I forgot that I hate them were supposed to issue a memo...
I hate Nepalis. :P
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
You seem to such a sweet, nice guy...
Thanks for staying with us. See you soon!