Qtel ADSL speed question

Qtel offers 512k, 1MB, and 2MB ADSL for 200,300, or 400QR per month.
I am moving to a place where I will have to decide which subscription. Would like some advice from experienced people.
Is the extra speed worth it? Is the speed difference noticeable? I ask the question because the place where I am living now provides an Internet connection via a cable and the speed of the connection varies a lot.
how many laptops can be supported by this router issued by QTEL? we purchase the 2mb adsl (400QR)
hey, there is promo for free installation this december. I think Mozaic is better option than only getting 512KBs for 200 and paying 300 for both TV/ADSL/PayperVies with Free Wifi Router....
i think you better apply immediately...
but u got to think about the mozaic pack its realy stupid if u think off it because if thers no internet thers no tv.....stupid huh
hey king long time no see hru
please call me
Bazimoza88 Beach dreaming
Tell me King Edshel how much will you charge me to set up all that buzzz above for my internet connection when i get it? (hum... if Qtel move their backside..) You have such knowledge! I dont understand a tick (besides the basics..) but sounds good to me! So how much?
Thanks and cheers
Sorry but were not on QL that much ... kind of late in replying ...
Denny> For some unknown reason most of the wireless routers got an issue and won't work if you replace it with Q-Tel router. Configuring it as PPOA or PPOE won't make it work, it will work with some but won't for the others. Your got some other options .
1- If you don't need the wireless and need to connect your Desktops or Laptops via LAN, then buy a small switch [5-8 ports] depends on the number of your machines. Connect Q-Tel router, and connect it's RJ45 Port to your switch and then connect your clients.
2- If you need the wireless, you have to disable the DHCP server and not the service on your router and it will become more like a switch that will assign your clients automatically IP addresses via DHCP.
3- You can buy a Wireless Access Point instead, enable DHCP on it and give it a static IP address and let it do the job.
Marines> Go to the Gaming or Forwarders into your router [depends on the model] and create a new port there and make it a forward port and that is it. Give it any port number [let's say 2000] and use the same port on your torrent clients as well. For torrents, go for uTorrent as it does not get effected by those ports issue, go to www.mininova.org to get the torrent files itself.
Best Regards
------------------------------------ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Hi King Ed, do you know how to configure port forwarding of Linksys Router WAG54GS to enable me download movies etc, using Ares Ultra, Limewire, Frostwire etc.
Most Loyal Amphibious
need for speed depends purely on your requirement, however, better go for a cluster of 3,
M.Khursheed Uddin
on a side note, I get around 3mb connection with my 2mb subscription.
Click here for Qatar info
I looked at your posts and you know what you are talking about. I am hoping you know how to set up a linksys router on the qtel network? I think it might be the settings I need to make it work? Can you help me at all? Id really appreciate any information you can provide.
Anyone try Slingbox with Qtel ADSL?
Hey Guys,
Getting into this thread a little late in the day but here is some additional information reagrding the dynamic DNS.
I have found the best on the market is www.no-ip.com
They offer a free host which you have to download and install on you machine. You simply have have to register a hostname with them, which would be something like yourname.no-ip.org then install the software on you machine and it will update the IP address on the DNS server as often as you tell it to.
You then simply need to open the port on you firewall for the applications that you want to run, like RDP and FTP, type in the hostname into your FTP or RDP client and away you go.
Its free and very reliable.
With regards to the speed, i think that has been very well covered by everyone else that is has posted.
Have a good one,
You can also try this one my friend ..
The tests for my 512KB ADSL Line was showing:
Download: 554
Upload: 129
Looks like Q-Tel got the same upload speed for all those ADSL lines. What I was giving an example earlier for the upload speed only, was for the Lease Lines. In those there is really a different. I'm not sure about it, but there is another website that will show you the actual speed for you connection. It would never show you 512KB or even 1MB, it will show you something different and don't panic. It is the real deal and Q-Tel is not cheating :) It would only show it in a different unit of measuring speed, that is all.
So, in order to figure out what speed I presently have, I visited a few sites. One site that seems user friendly enough is http://www.speedtest.net/.
The site reported 1100-1800kb/s DOWN and 80-128 kb/s UP depending on the time of day. I randomly chose the Dallas, Texas site server for the test. Other US sites were similar. Test to the UK was slightly lower, and Pakistan was much slower.
Would be interesting to me to know what your speed test shows to the same server.
You can like you said, connect the modem to your router but I'm not sure if you can assign this modem an IP and let the router do the NAT. It depends also on the router model. You can also connect the router directly and replace the mode, keep it a side and forget about it. You will need it when you face a problem later and needs Q-Tel to test something. They will request the original modem to make sure that the problem that you are facing [hopefully you will not] is not from their side. That depends on your usage, if you want a router with good range of wireless then 3Com is a good one. Linksys also can be a good one, but got some issues sometimes , with the disappearance of the signal all of a sudden for a while and then coming back. Both of them got 4 ports in the back. Don't buy a D-Link, it is hopeless, The Netgear got a good wireless signal, but overheated quickly.
Depending on which series are you getting the prices will vary [for the Linksys] There is an 'N' and 'G' series. The 'N' series is the latest, got 108Mbps instead of 54Mbps [Wireless] and the range is greater than the 'G' series.
3Com 240 - 260 MAX. If he asked for more, grab him and call the police :)
Linksys 'N' 640 - 750
Linksys 'G' 300 - 340
Best of the luck.
I heard that there are ADSL Modem combination Routers that work good with Qtel. Which are the good ones to use here?
I presently have a couple of standard routers, either of which could be used in conjunction with the Qtel Modem, I suppose, providing that it has an ethernet (not usb) connection. But because of other issues, I would rather combine the devices. So is there a good ADSL Modem with built in 4 port wired router and wireless also? I'm going to Sofitel tomorrow morning to look.
Just enable forwarding on your router on the desired port to allow traffic from and through this port.
well... configurations are simple, initial setup isn't, here are some steps and troubleshooting tips
1. Register a FQDN name with dyndns. but before you do that, open a free account with dyndns.
2. Get a dyndns software, some are shareware and some are freeware. The more you pay, the easier it gets. Some routers have this feature built in, but routers may cause another problem, will mention later.
3. Configure the dyndns software to link to your FQDN account in dyndns. This may be on the PC or router, whichever you use.
Possible problems:
If you have configured dyndns on your pc (or router) and access the internet through a router (as opposed to a modem) you may not be able to access your PC from the internet. It is a complicated technical explanation to discuss here. For this case, you need to do a NAT configuration on the router to point external traffic to your PC.
You are right, that was the software that i was talking about. The configurations are simple for this one.
You can run your FTP on dynamic IP. Use a Dynamic DNS system. Register a simple FQDN with a provider and install a software to update your IP address frequently. All you need to do is to type in your FQDN when you are elsewhere and you will get your machine. I run VNC with a web interface as well so that I get GUI to my machine where ever I am. You can have the whole setup for free if you are willing to research a little.
Start off your research at www.dyndns.org
But you can manage to get somehow a static IP using a small software. It is simple to use and you can use the assigned IP by the software for a lot of things.
I did not see the last post for you. I hope that they will gust register your phone number with this house and they will give you the username and password which is normally your phone number with 'g' or 's' in the beginning then 'qatar12' for the password. Get the router and configure it to work as a PPPOA, that is what I got here at home. I'm not sure about it but some people told me that PPPOE can work also. I will try it later, but PPPOA is what i'm using now to configure my router.
Best Regards
You need only Q-Tel to fix their ADSL plate for you and after that you can get any router that you want and replace their mode with. Their new modems or what is available these days is a broadband one, so you can have more internet connections for LAN users. If you got some laptops there and need the Wireless Access then you have to replace their modem with an ADSL modem router. I guess that 1MB for your case is good, one of my clients are using Citrix server to connect to their branch back there in Calgary - Canada. They got no problems at all with the 1MB. I do connect from home sometimes to my computer back in the office via VPN. It works fine as well I got 512KB only. 512KB would be less and 2MB would be too much, the final decision in the end is up to you. It was taking from me 2 minutes to upload 5MB of data with the 2MB ADSL line, so it should not take more than 10 Min. [if everything is ok]
Wish You Best Of The Luck
good enought package but as lamea suggests customer service is not too hot at Qtel. A lot of the staff just don't don't speak good enough english and I don't think they have a good set of scripts at the call centre .either
mosaic is worth it nd the internet is not bad, does die down sometimes but usually very fast. the only problemm i encountered was during the connection because the majority of their technicians are arab and speak no english and we dont speak arabic. similarly during a technical problem we kept calling for three days and they had no idea what went wrong.when they actually arrived we hardly understood each other due to the language problem!
I am hoping that I do not have to have an installer. The previous occupants had ADSL, so the infrastructure is there. Hopefully Qtel just gives me some login information and I can set it up myself. I'll buy a modem/router.
Which brings up more questions:
Is the Qtel connection PPTP or PPPOE?
King Edshel, thanks for taking the time to write the informative response to my inquiry.
To respond to several other's questions about my internet usage:
General Internet Surfing
Banking and bill paying
Checking out Qatarliving
Google Maps
Uploading digital photographs to Kodak for printing and sharing.
Sending and receiving email, sometimes with large attachments.
Downloading various software upgrades
Downloading Linux Distro ISO's from time to time
Connecting from home to the work computer systems via VPN and Citrix.
I would run an ftp server if the IP address was static, but I believe that it will change often. Correct me if this is wrong.
So my usage would beg the question: Is the upload speed different for each Qtel choice?
I'll inquire about the Qtel package deal. Sounds interesting.
i applied for my DSL since 25 days now and nobody came to install it ! that REALLY surprised me ! Acctually they told me 7 -10 days max. ! they just keep on delaying and thats not nice at all !
u need some mods on this forums too much offtopic !
I don't know for what do you want to use the internet connection
gotta go now, it was fun
that right? u and him make a terrific pair ya prancin queenies
Ignore, aviduser.
A complete waste of time.
gee that hurt. i'm in pain. and yer a boy toy
You are a massive c**t
Why r ya such a wordy person with a constant need to show off yer knowledge and claims to have every bit of info and every goddamn album in the world. Damn, so many of yer answers are like yer writin a thesis!
Hi man,
I don't know for what do you want to use the internet connection, but:
1- If you want it only for browsing then get the [512KB] it is more than enough for browsing.
2- If you want it for browsing and watching online videos, download some stuff from here and there get the [1MB].
3- If you are using the torrents to download movies, music and can't live your day if you did not download something, then get the [2MB].
The speed difference can be noticed when you start downloading from a static IP or a direct download. The range goes like:
1- [512KB] up to 80 if you were lucky, most of the time between 60 and 70]
2- [1MB] up to 120 but most of the time the range is from 90 - 110.
3- [2MB] up to 200 but most of the time the range is from 140 - 180.
You should notice the download speed varies according also to the upload speed [especially torrent files], if you start for example downloading 3 torrents in the same file and one of them was having an upload rate of your maximum connection speed that can support. You will find that the other 2 would not even start because you reached the maximum upload speed. Try stopping that one that it is taking most of your bandwidth to upload and you will see the others go fast. It is irrelevant to the speed in most of the cases [download speed of the torrent], but it would be obviously depending on your connection speed as everyone got it's own support for the Max. download and upload speed. What I mean is a bad torrent [depends on trackers, leechers and seeders] would always be a bad one, no matter what connection do you have.
Best Regards
Why would you want Q-Tel's TV offer? For the censored and time-delayed content?
there's no way Q-tel will give u 100mbs for 300 riyals!! i'm pretty sure its 512kb only, considering you get tv, tele, and internet its a pretty good deal. plus u get over a hundred channels just on the basic package. i'm happy with my 2mb connection however i have done some tweaks here and there to increase my download speeds which is a must for downloading movies...
If I was moving, I would be looking at Qtel's Mozaic offering which is being advertised all over town on the bill boards.
One gets telephone, broadband at 100MBs (I am not 100% sure on this speed, but its mega fast ) and televsion all through a telephone cable for something like QR 300 per month with a once-off installation fee.. There was an earlier discussion thread on QL when Qtel failed to roll out this Mozaic Tripleplay in December, but it seems they are ready. I cannot find any reference to it on their website, and I could only get info about it from the main Qtel branches. The kiosks in the malls will not be able to help you. These prices are very tempting compared with ADSL alone.
Depends on your usage. I have the 2Mbps (400 Riyals). It's a big bill every month when you factor in the landline and mobile (s) charges.
is terrible. Really avoid and pay a little more to get something faster. The sooner QTel lose their monopoly and some decent competition comes in the better.
Good luck!
We have the 200 QR/month and I find it very fast. It does slow down from time to time but overall I'm happy with it.