Admission at ASD - Against American Educational Ethics

Dear QL Community:
Yesterday we were at American School of Doha for an assessment of our 4 year old. To our surprise including many other parents ASD administration asked to pay a QR 500 assessment fee to get our kids evaluated for the pre-school admission.
I fail to understand:
As per ASD letter to parents, this was not an IQ or some other personality test, but was a measure to pre-screen kids and qualify them for their age group and class.
This is not a parent’s requirement, but was a school requirement for their own arrangement?
Parents were not informed of such fee in advance and no other official document was handed over that clearly explain these charges.
We are covered by our employer for the education of kids. This was part of the package when we accepted our employment. Assessment fee can not be re-reimbursed by the individuals as employer directly pays the school.
Is their any regulatory body that could monitor such situations? I am 100% sure ASD could have never changed such fee in USA. If the employer is paying in Qatar to cover Americans for their free education as in US to make the package attractive, then why parents are asked to pay? This is against US educational system spirits and ethics.
I wish ASD and local US mission recognize this as a mistake and include such cost (if necessary) in the fee they charge our employers.
Also, does any one know if they would be charging us further in addition to employer paid annual fee? We must know before we commit to such an unknown expensive venture. Thanks for any info in advance that you might share on this forum.
My co...just said that UAE is more expensive than Qatar...hence allowance is also given less that my counterpart in UAE...
I just sent this qatar living website...see what they think...
500Qr to assess a 4 year old...unless geniuses can be identified and given special..or weaker students are given extra help...this fee is a rip off...
ASD know that a parent who loves their child would give anything...
Agree with Pika-Boo, schools are now trying as ingeniously and hard as they can to turn so many aspects of education and the school day into a money-making opportunity.
Even non-uniform day means a 10-Riyal (compulsory) donation.
Only Love & Respect of Others Make us Human.
You wrote "There is nothing unethical about the charges at ASD"
I am surprised but respect your opinion.
You wrote "The American School of Doha is not a U.S. Entity."
A US Flag and US President picture makes an entity which represent US and its values. This is one of the reason we are seeking admission at ASD.
You wrote "I would recommend asking the school directly about them before you raise it to that level. You may have been misinformed or proper publication was overlooked."
Raising it the authority will put an end to such practices. Why talk to someone who is practicing it. Its better to approach the higher authorities.
I respect your opinion, but I disagree.
Last "When we are fully covered for educational expenses by our employer and ASD is paid in advance, then why pay out of pocket?"
I had to pay the same fee (500qr) when i went to have my 3 yr old son assessed at Qatar International School. I was told that it has become standard practice in Qatar now, and that by paying it I 'booked' his place at the school. This excluded the 2000qr admin fee! I think that schools are just thinking of ways to make even more money.
The American School of Doha is not a U.S. Entity. While it maintains a U.S. curriculum and is accredited through the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, it is still an independent school.
While I agree that these charges may have come as a surprise to you, I would recommend asking the school directly about them before you raise it to that level. You may have been misinformed or proper publication was overlooked.
You have not mentioned talking to the school about this at all, that seems to be the first logical step.
There is nothing unethical about the charges at ASD. If someone does not understand the charges, they should ask to meet with one of the school's administrators. Charging for admissions tests and procedures is a common practice in most privates schools in the United States, and ASD is a private school.
Only Love & Respect of Others Make us Human.
We must raise it to our respective missions and home country educational authorities. This is not a acceptable/ professional approach. Ethicially it is completly wrong to levy such charges. Employer thinks he is paying full fee and employee is ripped off at the sametime.
I think you saw the construction of the new school buildings. A massive project that needs to be paid for.
All of these schools, including Doha College next door, Parkhouse and others are supplementing their income by levying different charges.
Doha College asks for a "capital charge" of 3000 Riyals per child per year in addition to the school fees. They say it's for improving school facilities and providing teacher accommodation as Doha is becoming more and more expensive.
Parkhouse has now resorted to requiring fee payment twice a year instead of the 3 that is the norm.
Of course this doesn't take into account the annual increase in fees.
Unless the government steps in and puts a cap on things this is going to continue.