Need a friend who love to drink Guiness Draught at night and relaxing chat

By Themagicboyz •
At 4 Season Hotel, Ramada or any others area which can consuming it.. I pay mine, you pay yours.. than have a chat..
PM me.
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I new in Doha.. where is that Rydges??
As I knew only Ramada and 4 Season Hotel serve
Guiness here.. Nor Marriot, Oisis, Sheraton and
any small hotels..
Any place that I can buy Guiness for a carton?
Please help me..
I'm up for a Guinness anytime. You'll find me at the Rydges most Thursday nights with a pint of the dark brew.
How is he demanding freedom? Alcohol can be purchased at most hotels and the Liquor store, and women can be purchased at some hotels as well...I'm sure Sputty is more familiar with which ones than I.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
Man u r so very screwed... This is not the bloody west my friend where u can walk on someone else;s territory and demand freedom...
Alcohol is there but gals man god knws i m tryng hard too ..
can u tell me about alcohol and night life in qatar ??? sex?? girls, boys?? dating ??