What's offensive, what should be banned?

Before I start this I just want to say that I love QL and Qatari I think you are doing a fantastic job, keep up the good work. ;)
That being said:
I think it's pretty obvious that we all have differences of opinion on what is offensive, especially on this website. I for one am not bothered by silly comments by trolls or sad guys looking for friends, I can simply ignore that or make a sarcastic comment and poke fun.
However, I find the recent run of posts about Islam to be very offensive. I do not know if there intent is to try and convert me to Islam or what, but I do not like them. Islam is not the perfect religion, nor am I or will I ever be a Muslim and I was defintely not born that way. I have been tempted to fight fire with fire and start posting long rants on Judaism, Christianity and Buddhism to see peoples reactions, but I chose this instead.
Now others on this site find the trolls offensive and like the religious stuff, and others think the way I do and others don't like any of it. So my question is, which should be banned if any? Do we try and make everyone happy or allow people freedom of speech on this site and learn to be adults and simply ignore what we dislike?
Personally I think if you ban the trolls you should ban the religious stuff since that's just another form of trollism, but I know people will disagree with me, so that leads to the conclusion that we should ban neither.
What do y'all think?
All shows are crap not too hysterical
I have LOST season 3 until Episode 15 my friend, sorry if i confused you :). If you are looking for it I can give it to you and I don't want anything from you. Tell me where can I see you to give you those and I don't have any problem. This is if you are interested.
Best Regards
God knows...
I hope you won't mind me asking, or you might vent your ire at me (why do I have the urge to say "deja vu") but as far as everyone in QL community knows, NO ONE IS BANNED from the site.
Qatari reiterated that no one is banned from this site but you keep insisting Cutesrk is. WHY you need to interject in every post you make that HE is when HE IS NOT BANNED?
Where is HE anyway?
Why in the world was an active member Cutesrk was banned? Was he a troll from his posts? Or was he criticising western culture though thngs were true to some extent; Does it serve any purpose banning the individual from expressing his opinion ?
Remember the lady who started this thread deserves a long term ban for startng another useless topic.... Discussion forum is a place not for trolls but to express ur opinions and viewpoints....The other parties may accpt/ reject it....Whats the whole point of imposing a ban?
I wish I had access to Season 3 of Lost (not to mention the seasons up to season 15; ok I know that was a typo, or do we have an actual time traveler in our midst??)
Here's my 2 Riyals as someone who has thought and taught a bit about free speech issues in law and politics (and moderated a bunch of university-based classroom Internet boards):
DON'T ban users or delete posts, except for the extreme cases in which they put a QL user or the QL forum in some sort of danger (real threats) or unless they make the forum unusable (for example, 200 posts from someone trying to direct you to an on-line casino, which happened on a board I moderated for a course I taught).
DON'T be excessively sensitive given the imprecisions and voicelessness of multicultural on-line communication and the entertainment value of this website.
DO try to put yourselves in other people's shoes, sandals, boots, heels, slippers etc. so you can have a sense why something may come off as particularly racist, sexist, mean-spirited etc. to that person.
DO keep having fun, enjoying the posts that speak to you or make you respond, and ignoring the posts that don't
It's amazing how much a lot of free speech issues still boil down to the arguments (and rebuttals to arguments) John Stuart Mill used in his famous essay, On Liberty from the 19th century, even though these issues nonetheless have lots of sides. In the US now, there's a big public discussion of whether a radio talk show host should be forced out of his position because he said very offensive things about African-American student-atheletes.
Nutty professor that I am, I always like seeing debates on meaty issues on this site (as opposed to posts that I tend to ignore which seem to be barely-veiled excuses to renew national/ethnic stereotypes in threads like "bad drivers here are usually Indians," "bad drivers here are usually Americans," "bad drivers here are usually all Qataris" etc. I can certainly understand why Gypsy would prefer to ignore the "convert or be sorry" sorts of posts.
you are right, nothing is special about it and that is why I'm sitting at home watching movies and series. I believe that the first season of LOST was the best. Heroes now is a lot better than LOST. Can't wait for the 23/04/2007 :)
No, I'm just meeting friend there for a drink before I head to another party. I hate the clubs here, there is nothing special at all about them. I recommend watching Lost season 3.
Hey Gypsy,
Is there is anything special tonight there gypsy? My friends were always trying to drag my foot there, but I had never been there. :)
I will try to watch something, cook the shrimps that I got and got [hopefully] a good sleep so I can wake up tomorrow early [I don't think so] and go to corniche. It is been a while since the last time i've been there for jogging :).
Have a Nice Evening
WatWat this has nothing to do with American democracy. (once again Qatari desperate need for rolling eyes emoticon).
As for me surfing the net King Edshel, I am waiting for my cab to take me to palomas, where surprisingly my friends decided to go and I will see if I can spot some other Qlers.
Lamb, yes it is good to see some of us back. And some of us are almost at a 1000 posts again. How sad huh. :D
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
Don't be afraid, banning people from the site will change nothing, people in Middle East know American democracy is fake.
It is strange that it is the weekend and we are all here in houses surfing the net and posting in QL. I had nothing better to do now but to go and watch something, ... I got all of these things today and I don't know what should I start with:
1- Seinfeld - All 9 Seasons
2- 3rd Rock From The Sun - All 6 Seasons
3- Scrubs - All 5 Seasons
4- LOST - Season 3 until 15
5- Supernatural - Season 1 and Season 2 until Episode 17
6- Prison Break - season 2
What would you recommend Gypsy?
After a while intelligent and meaningful debate. Well done Gypsy. Nice to see a lot of old timers back in action.
Quiet lurker. Poor Contributer
You like April Wine? Your handle reminds me of them.
For those who've seen the "light" it has nothing to do with alcohol!
Thanks e46m3, I just wanted to make sure though that no one misunderstood me. SOmetimes people have tendency to do that.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
Why are you apologizing? An intelligent discussion is always welcome. Propaganda-type ramblings are unwelcome no matter what the subject. I get the point and agree and with you. I doubt these people would ever be banned as that would label the site "anti-Islamic" and intolerant of Islam. I'll bet you anything they'll take it to the local press. I think those whose delirium prompts them to post things in this vein should be ignored. I've put in my 2 cents' worth and won't ever again be goaded into such a useless and fruitless exchange with someone who's seen the "light".
You know some of those admins did eventually realize the hypocrisy of their ways and come back to the light, just not under the same name. :P Some of them have a little bit of pride even if they are stupid at times.
Aisha and e26m3,
No this post really had nothing to do with banning the posts on Islam, it was to highlight that different people find different things offensive and that we shouldn't ban anything. That was my main point, I apologize if it turned into being against the Islam posts.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
There are people who enjoy throwing oil on a fire and then sit back and kind of laugh with glee as they see the results of their handiwork.
The proof is in the pudding. Show me how it has served Islam on this forum. All I see is a users who are alienated. I guess my Islam is different to yours.
Just talking about Islam isn't going to improve the lot of Muslims.
It all different ways of serving Islam, I see nothing wrong.
It's not an issue about banning posts about Islam. How would you like it if everyday I had 3 or 4 posts extolling the virtues of Marxist-Leninism, or quoting whole paragraphs of Mao's Red Book or explaining Bhuddist teachings and telling everybody that this is the path they should follow, the correct one, the chosen one?
The problem is the tone in which these posts are written; ie Islam is the God-chosen religion, the perfect one, the one and only, can only mean one thing: All of you others, non-Muslims, are errant and wrong and there's no place for you in Heaven.
Perhaps people who post such discourses should spend their time and energy and feeling of duty to God to try to better the lot of the unfortunate; instead of preaching Islam on this forum they should go to the laborers in the Industrial Area and work sites and instead of preaching to them taking some cold water, masks, canned foods, clothes and basic medicines. That would serve Islam a whole lot more, in my opinion.
Sorry about the mistakes in grammar and spelling lol… I’m in a hurry and typing really fast..
[img_assist|nid=7232|title=Dua|desc=Amen :-)|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=56]
I see no reason why taking it personally. You don’t have to read it! Let alone commenting on it..Yes we see our religion, Islam, as a perfect one.. It’s OUR view we are free to think whatever we want..
Ok I didn’t read most of the comments ( no time sorry!).. but I do agree with the “section” suggestion.. this is an Islamic country and Islam the main thing when it comes to culture and life style.
It’s really funny that you think that the Islam posts are to make YOU convert! I for one like to explain things about Islam just to let people know about it in case they have mistaken idea or anything.. most of the times I’m addressing the Muslims themselves.. it’s our job just to send the message but not to convert the receivers!!!!!!!!!
If one said Christianity is the best I wouldn’t get offended because it’s THEIR beliefe\opinion, actually I will respect them very much for that.. I will NEVER take it personally.. as a matter of fact I have some friends who are trying to "convert" ME directly.. one of them is a teacher of mine who keep contacting me even from the US now . I remember when she was teaching us essay writing she told me that it’s better to write three paragraphs in the article , with the introduction and conclusion, and I said why three and she started preaching on how the trinity concept will bless my article.. then when she felt I wasn’t interested she said okaaayyy now you’ll say Oh professor I’m good Muslim I’m gonna write many and many paragraphs ie to avoid the number three.. so I said Well, professor, if that is the case then I’m gonna write one paragraph for the whole essay .. ie: one God..
Anyway, She is one of my favourites I swear.. my point is that I’m never offended unless they are calling names and swearing lol,,, Actually I feel great because 1- I’m confidant about my believe 2- I know they care about me otherwise they wouldn’t want me to do what “they think” is good for me.
Anyway, majority rules of course.. If the majority agreed on banning the posts in Islam, then there is no place for me here.
[img_assist|nid=7232|title=Dua|desc=Amen :-)|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=56]
Lets ban everyone and leave four regular posters (who are at the same time the administrators and moderators) discussing every single issue so they all can tell eachother how much they agree with their own opinions.
Personally, I don't think anyone should be banned and nothing should be erased (except for those really annoying Nokia adds).
No moderators, please Qatari.
Oh, and nothing that I read here offends me. This is what I love about the internet, if I feel unconfortable with somebody's opinion or comments I have the choice to stop reading.
different people, different perceptions, and just because one doesnt agree with another, it doesnt mean a particular topic should be banned.
How far do you go on banning and whom do you listen to when it comes to banning a subject or a view. this way everyone can go squealing to qatari to ban something or the other.
let it be as it is and whatever threads we dont like, we just dont visit them or post over there.
but Ql should not be used as a platform to vent ones frustrations when having a bad day. this is something which is within ones control.
Qatari initially had an idea of posting rules and regulations for this site......has it been done already and would that help to have certain basic guidelines on this site.
then again since there have been many members/newbies in qatar who were interested in learning about Islam and the culture of this part of the world....i second WhoMe's idea of having a sort of standalong thread with different pieces of information pertaining to the religion and culture. it should only be for information so people are aware of what they are coming here to and not open for discussions or preaching.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
You are preaching to the choir. Question them to see how far their understanding of the items they posted. Respectfully of course because no matter what a persons beliefs are you should never bash them for them. I don't agree with you on the single parent issue but thats what you believe. If you start questioning then it makes them have to go and research. I have had some really good conversation with some evangelicals, buddhist, Jews, you name it but the discussions never lost the respect factor. I can say I did my job also because I presented my religion not my opinions but my religion now it is up to Allah to change a persons heart.
Allah does not need us to spread Islam as you noticed, not too many Muslims were over in America before 9/11 giving out phamplets or posting on web forums that Islam is the only way and everyone else is going to hell. However this one event caused Muslims to run and hide, sisters taking off Hijabs, Turbans flying off, and an American flag up in every Masjid on all the cars in the parking lots, and I am modern not a fundamentalist mentality. If you look though at the number of people who actually started to ask and research about what Islam truly you would see. If you look at the number who actually became Muslim after their studying and research regardless of what was portrayed in the media or by us about Islam you would start to see. This is a modern example that guidance is from our creator look at the history of most Muslims areas and ask how did they become Muslims did someone go out with a phamplet or bullhorn and shout Islam is the only way, accept it or you will go to hell? Did someone post on a desert sign board Islam is the only way?
Act your age not your shoe size
They are students, when they came to me in Canada, I was arguing with them and proving them to be wrong, they good with low knowledge people trying to convert them. And I never had a problem against that.
I am a born again christian as well and I don't do it at home either! Though do my friends that I know! It could be that this is a cultural difference even within christian culture...
But I agree with the point of don't want to be preached. I prefer to inform and offer and than react on the feedback, if there is one...if not...pity, but that's the other's choice!
Maybe not here WhoMe, but back home you would have some born again Christian or Baptist doing this too, and I would be saying the same thing.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
So what is wrong about it? take it if you like leave it if you don't.
Sorry, this was for Gypsy!
But that's exactly the point! A person from christian culture won't do it! At least those that use this forum!
should I try to discover Islam, I am happy in my own religion thanks WATWAT.
And I certainly DO NOT want you or anyone else preaching to me on your PERSONAL choice of religion...
We came we saw we were Qatarized
This is not a discussion on what is good or bad about Islam, this is a discussion on what is considered offensive.
QD06, just to let you know if it was someone posting large tomes about Christianity or any other religion I would be saying the same thing, I am an equal opportunity disrespecter of converting.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
That preaching for any religion should be banned in QL and commenting any religion as well
Are you made because they took your advert for a girlfriend off? Are you into the ladies? OK for the slow people its a joke.
I used to enjoy watching the shouting matches on campus between the Gideons and the other evangelicals, agnostics, atheist and others. It made me understand people are confused as the day they were born and won't be happy until they make you unhappy right along with them. It was better than watching wrestling WWE version.
Please to my Muslim brothers and sisters who have never leaved in the West. Dawa is not just about giving phamplets, posting articles on a web forum but in how you live your life and your treatment of others especially your guests. If people have questions usually they will ask but believe me they are watching us in our actions. So before you post make sure that you are correcting your own actions before trying to correct others, make sure that your own family understands the information you posted, make sure that your neighbors or friends who are Muslim understand the information also. I say this because of the amount of confusion thats is caused by many Muslims who don't understand their own religion but try to force their version of Culture Islam off on someone else.
The same as some Christian do to Muslims or others in predominately Christian countries and even in Muslim countries. I have met Evangelicals who know Islam better than Muslims and they specifically go to Muslims countries to convert people who usually are practicing Culture Islam like some Christians practice Culture Christianity. i.e. see you on Easter, Christmas, both Eids, and what ever saints birthday or death that you observe.
Act your age not your shoe size
Nothing bad about Islam , tell me one if you can.
And saying Islam is best for all is not offensive, you should make honest search to discover.
an interesting one Gypsy. I actually have to think on this one. I was so trying not to think today. LOL Anyway, I agree that the Islam posts have gotten a bit out of hand. I do understand that being in the country I am, I will have to deal with it. QD06 is right, in America the Christians do the same thing. I don't like it there either. I would prefer if religion could be kept personal.
As far as banning someone, I think that should NOT happen. I actually kind of miss the sad attempts from those looking for dates. It can be quite funny. I especially like it when they skip the small talk and go straight for the "sex talk". It's hysterical. However, I am not the one they are disrespecting or emailing. I guess if I were getting hounded all the time it would get old. Still I don't think banning people is the way to go. The one thing I like about this site is the freedom to express myself. I would hate to have a bad day or something and get banned. I have been known to use foul language on occassion. LOL
We are not discussing how good Islam is for its followers, the same could be said for any religious person, it is down to what you get personally from your religion/creator.
But having another persons "personal" religion shuffed down your throat or trying to tell someone what they should do based on another beliefs now that is wrong.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
I know tons about Islam WatWat, both good and bad. The thing is I don't want to become a Muslim and I find people trying to convert me offensive.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
But the offensive against Islam is because you were grown up hearing wrong news about it, Bernard Shoe said" They were telling us bad stuff about Islam and his prophet, but I found out it was not true, why they told us so is either because they don't know Islam or they are against it, Islam is the greatest religion and will prevail in Europe because it is the religion that match with needs of human beings"
The best way to avoid such posts is to ignore them.
I also feel that this is a good discussion to have. At the end of the day it is up to Qatari's discretion, and so far he has done a very good job. But I don't want to see happen here what is happening on Qatar Blah Blah.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
Once again, I don't find the friend lookers offensive, I find them funny and sad and enjoy poking fun at them. Posts on Islam are fine in my eyes too as long as they offer some kind of discussion, which is what a forum is all about. Posts telling me I was born a Muslim I do find offensive, because they don't offer discussion, they are just trying to convert.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
the sexual predators etc on this site are offensive to all but the person posting/PM'ing. So effectively should be banned, even followers of Islam i.e. the true followers that arent trying to pick up women that are married etc would find them offensive (enshalla)
Posts on Islam are fine in my eyes as stated earlier they are informative (such as the one started by Vegas), however being preached to or being told that it is the best, oldest and most suitable etc are offensive.
For the followers of Islam on QL, how would you feel if a Westerner started telling you that your religion was worthless (cos hey Islam is best for all) and not good for you, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL???
The westerner in question would get shot down in flames.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
LOL qd06, that's exactly my point. If you don't like it, don't read it. Also though, if you don't want someone to post something you may not like in response to your Convert to Islam thread, don't post it.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
But we are. And we are deleting the looking for a girlfriend threads. THis was my original point before I started rambling, that if you delete those you should delete the Islam posts too.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
You are going to hell if you don't repent and change your evil ways. You have to submit and stop fighting. I guess you guys are getting a taste of what it can be like as a Muslim in some parts of America. lol :-) We used to invite the Jehovah's witnessed in for coffee and tea by the time they would leave they would be confused so they stopped coming. However the Evangelicals it doesn't matter how nice or logical you are with them the final argument is "you just have to believe". I say this alll with a grain of salt.
What a person believes is between them and their creator. If you don't like it don't read it but you cannot make people stop. The same as I always take Watchtowers or pamphlets from the Evangelicals and place them on a counter or something. If they don't seem like the irrational type I just hand it back and say no thanks with a smile.
Act your age not your shoe size
And what's the difference if we are not banning anyone???
to a certain extent.
I dont believe that anyone should be banned, I to tire of the never ending posts on commercial selling and personally woulndt buy anything from them (apart from the personal sales such as kayaks and cars etc as that is a part of the QL spirit, you leave you want to get sell on what you have bought that would cost to much to ship home or is of no longer use etc).
However to be told that a religion is best for me (or all) is very offensive to me, if people want to rant about their personal (key word there...personal) religion then open a post dedicated to such i.e. "Islam Religion" but to blatantly state that "Islam is the best religion for All" is pig headed and ignorant.
If followers of Islam have an issue with pornography why do they know so much about it? Qtel filters such websites, no such publications are available in a Muslim state, if alcohol is an issue then how do you get hold of it, the list is endless of things that are banned to followers of Islam...but if they are banned why worry about them.
I am no suggesting a complete division between what the West/East does but if it is a sore point to you DO NOT try and convert others to your way of thinking.
We came we saw we were Qatarized
The section described above could be a kind of encyclopedia and you could perfectly copy those threads of the last 2 days as topics.
OK so abusive language. But what happens if the person is not a troll, but instead an active member of this site who is just having a bad day and gets angry?
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
Hey there!
Good thread Gypsy! In my opinion it is offensive as well to post all this Islam threads. I am from a christian culture and may be this is just a question of perception. On the other hand I am interested to understand the basics of Islam, because I am a guest in this country and i want to get a broader view of the world's cultures. In addition if people from my culture ask me questions about islamic life in the gulf, I want to be able to tell them profound facts and not subjective impressions of mine. What makes me feel a little uncomfortable is, that nobody asked for the infromation given in the recent posts about Islam.
If I may suggest to Qatari (thanks a lot for this site by the way, it helped me a lot while getting settled) to design a section for information about islamic life and culture, so everyone who is interested can access it and draw out the information he/she likes or needs.
The topics posted during the last days are just perfect for it, but a forum is meant for discussion and not for general information. I don't mean to ban any discussion about topics from the forum, just categorize the recent post that do not intend to provide a topic for discussion. I think an own section for islamic facts and infos would be in a row with info as the Qatar map, Gallery, Events, etc.
Would this be a solution everybody could live with?
I don't think we should ban the "insult perpetrator" … just hit them hard :D
With personal insults I mean abusive language referred directly to you as a person, and there are some cases that fall objectively into this category.
But how do you define insulting? This is the thing, someone could call be a b*tch and I wouldn't find that insulting. But if someone starts preaching at me about how I should turn to Islam, that is insulting to me. I think we should allow people to post what they want. Whether it's an ad for a girlfriend or a rich mans thread or an Islamic rant.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
I don't think we should ban anyone, we all have the freedom to read or ignore things. Having said that, personal insults and stuff shouldn't be tolerated!
SO this leads to my conclusion that we shouldn't ban anyone. :)
If you want a controlled environment go to Qatar Blah Blah...though they will probably ban you.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
if i get to be a moderator i will court marshal Azilana with and Tank Missile Second if Abdul Wahab is so much interested in Preaching here he just need to make one forum and keep the thread going not get with new one. So for him i will ordered To Be hanged. He is making Fun of Islam here beacuse i know NO one here on QL is that much interested in relegious Talks and he still a stubborn is coming up with it. better for him to join orkut and there are alot of Communities there and he will find friends there to.
This gets back to the point of what is the site for? I don't like the classified posts and the mobile phone people, I ignore them, I am not going to convert to something and I am not going to date anybody that would be on this list. When we start having to be politically correct then there will be no need for this board, I can go the Qatar Blah etc.
Another saying, " I don't want to be a member of a club that would have me for a member". If we have to get approval to be members of QL, then I don't want to be a member.
Vegas thread actually had a point and I don't think he ever said Islam is the best, these latest ones are just cut and paste text with no discussion points telling me why Islam is the best. I have no desire to be converted thank you.
I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart
a few people i would like to see off this site! lol!!
but then when you start banning people and censoring what people write where does it stop?
As long as people are not being rude and offensive to each other ( which they are) and attacking people then i see it that we are all playing nicely!
i dont think banning the Islam posts should happen thou, i remeber a thread started up by Vegas which was about Islam and it was so informative and he was very patient with people trying to teach them about it
but i do get you Gypsy, i guess you feel like people are trying to convert you, and you shouldnt be made to feel that way. Its like the Jehovas Witnesses knocking on poeples doors trying to convert them. Sometimes it goes a bit too far, but then quite often the people on this site go too far!