Hello Friends
I would like to start this topic keep a firm belief of helping the fellow engineer brothers who struggling and most of them are not getting what they deserved from the company and most of the times they land up in such situation which is not ment for them
i would request to all the fellow members to really participate with your genuine and true efforts in helping them
here i would like to ask you all what can be the salary ranges for a Process engineer in qatar having 5 years of experience
Anyone can give what sort of company is Dolphin Energy. How is the company atmosphere and how motivated the staff. Is the company located in raslaffan.Is it big or small company. How is the reputation about this company.How professional the organisation? How are the salary levels for an engineering professional -Offered salaries are best salaries??
Come on guys. I know truth hurts. If you all look at my underlying reasons. You all will know. Truthfully, I know of some Engineers earning this kind of money. Hence, this dream indeed is an actual for others. He is already very experienced with a good degree and practicals to back him up.
Still, not all will get this kind of salary. In the end, we need to be satisfied. Some will be an engineer with a grand pa and grand ma shop working till their eyes pop out will not get this sum. And some engineers with a twich of their thumbs will get this amount.
I have seen ppl build castle in the air. I have seen Engineers who thinks the co. owes them a living. Some don't even check their own self worth and how value add are they to the co. Just by benchmarking someone who earns the max that they know.
My apology if I have offended anyone. But think hard. Do you work 100hrs a week to make things happen for your co. Are you in the right industry? Process engineer in a PCB board assembly industry is different for a wafer fab industry or pharmaceutical or oil and gas.
If you are an engineer, you should know that once you are in an industry and would like to jump ship to another you will have start anew and learn new stuffs. Technical wise is already different. Unlike a Financial Controller per say, a balance sheet for a cigarette factory to a balance sheet for a biscuit factory is still a balance sheet. But if you work for an oil and gas and moves to a wafer fabrication, do you think your skills are relevant?
I have seen candidates with a book as a resume, but I see nothing relevant and they ask for the sky!!!
Please stay awake and look at what you can value add for your co. Try out your engineering ideas. Most just goes with the flow and thinks they are good. Thinking they are better than their predecessor who had slogged hard to start the system (trial and error). Are you value adding?
Secondly, "attitude" will determine your altitude not aptitude. Some employers look at a person's attitude towards work. Not choosy, don't have the "why me" attitude, willing to work hard, see things through, team player etc. Thought it may help as well. Look at your university ranking based on international ranking. Within countries, I know going to University is tough, but after graduating, how relevant are you and comparing with these graduates, are you really that good. When you are a medium fish within a pond you will feel like a king, but when swimming to the ocean there will be larger, quicker fish.
I have seen Engineers coming from the best universities with top honours after some years ended up reporting to their peers who only got third class honours. Why?
There's no hard and fast rule. As long as you are true to yourself, making an honest living, capable of supporting your family in your home country, able to spend some time with your friends and buddiesand celebrate important birthdays of your mom and/or dad. Its priceless.
All in all, please don't scrape the surface and dig deep. The basis of engineering. Then you will see the difference in your co. than to always think that you are struggling and not fairly treated.
The great wall of china was not built overnight, so was the leaning tower of piza.
That's sad. People come onto the site looking for reasonable advice
I liked my profession of being an engineer and you satria ruined it. I will never forgive you for your cruel joke.
i thought if i can make 2000$/day I would work for five years continuously and make 3 million dollars and then spent the rest of my life enjoying the money i had saved but you just woke me up from my lovely dream
just kidding..
believe half ofd what you see and nothing of what you hear
Hello Satria,
Im interested to know what job would pay $ 2000 a day, it seems a very high salary.
Regards Freon.
I work everyday..cos money is good.