Dress Code

Hi, Clare again - really should set up my owm account,
Can someone please advise what is approproate attire to wear on a daily basis while out and about in Doha?
I'm not one to flash the flesh - especially after 2 children!! But I like to wear vest tops and shorts, would this be acceptable or would I need to cover my arms, I certainly wouldn't want to offend someone.
I have also heard there are parts of Doha that you arn't allowed to go on your own, is this true, or do women pretty much get left alone
Any advice is appreciated - need to know what to pack in my case before I leave
Try to avoid showing your armpits (this includes the men)as apparently it is sensual.
So vests are out.
Moving from Oz most of my wardrobe consisted of sleeveless tops and I was more than a little concerened. I have worked on the basis that 3/4 of my legs and my shoulders should be covered. When I have worn sleeveless tops (not singlets) nothing has ever been said but I have been uncomfortable that I may offend.
Personally I do not find dressing here restrictive but I do not think it appropriate to be parading around it skimpy shorts and tops.
As for going to the Souq on thus / fri you could wear a bin bag and you will still be stared at. Personally I find it a bit un-nerving but they do not mean any harm.
I choose to moderate the way I dress as I do not want to offend but I have seen many dress as an 18 year old would on a Friday night out in Glasgow. (no offence is meant to any 18 year old from Glasgow)
As I know, women could wear Abayas that are worn on the head. They must cover all of their hair (no single hair is allowed to be seen), necks, ears, arms, legs, ( & sometimes faces when they feel they are attractive?).
It is your choice. I have lived here for over 3 years and I choose not to wear shorts and vest tops. I wear tracksuit trousers and t-shirt for walking along the Corniche.
It depends how you wish people to perceive you and whether you care about that.
No - I wouldn't wear a tank top either.
Thanks Liana. In that case I wouldn't wear one here either!
yeah i think a singlet is a tank top.
This is not Saudi Arabia. Yes, you do have to respect local sensibilities but you will find that life is pretty normal here and that you can dress pretty much anyway you want (as long as is not oo revealing).
There are no parts of Doha that you can't go to. However, as a woman on your own, you may well get stared at in the souk areas on weekends by the thousands of sub continent ex pats that descend on the area on Fridays and Saturdays.
Life is really pretty normal here in most respects. If you haven't been to the Middle East before, the biggest single culture shock will probably be the standard of driving here which is actually pretty good by Middle East standards.
What is a singlet? I'm wondering if that is what we in Canada call a tank top?
I wouldnt wear a singlet (i think you poms call it a "vest") out in public anywhere here. even if no-one says anything, i feel like the more traditional of the arabs look at me and put me in the category of a loose white woman. its just not nice to be thought of like that.
You will figure out where you can go wearing what in order to be comfortable. For example, you will probably not want to wear shorts to the souqs because you will be the "star of the show" while down there. I personally don't wear shorts except to the beaches. Around town I wear a lot of 3/4 length linen pants, long-ish linen skirts, short sleeve shirts and sleeveless is OK too, just not really during Ramadan. I have seen many expat arab women in less than me but the local women wear different variations of the abaya. Don't think Afganistan, think more elegant than that. There are some western women who will cover up when going out by themselves but that's just to avoid be stared at. You can go where ever you want but some places there are just too many dudes and you will probably feel awkward. But malls and grocery stores are fine.
You shouldn't have any problems here. It is not necessary to cover your arms. Women wear shorts here all the time, just don't wear very short tight fitting ones and you should be fine.
Also, I go wherever I want. Women are left alone here. Don't worry, it's a pretty good life!