Experience in getting divorce in Qatar

I've been going thru 10 mths of waiting to get this abusive marriage to be over. Soon to be ex (s2bx) is making things difficult for me. I felt lost being in Qatar not having much friends nor family.
Thank God for some kind souls who came along the way to help me. I am also getting help from Qatar Foundation for Woman and Children Protection. They had assigned an English speaking lawyer to see to my case. Alhamdulillah, my lawyer really put so much effort in helping me.
I hope it to be over soon but my lawyer told me it will probably take much longer time for everything to settle. S2bx is fighting for the custody of my 20 mths baby. He had managed to separate me from my baby for 5 mths but court had ordered him to give the baby back to me. I managed to get temporary custody of baby for the time being till the divorce matter is settled.
Since I had no where to go, I was asked again to live in s2bx house (I was living with a friend for a while when he sent me out of the house). Now, the mental abuse starts all over again. No physical abuse though coz he did it once and I reported it to the police.
Anyone out there has any experience in dealing with divorce here? I would like to leave Qatar once my divorce is over but was told I may be required by the court to continue living in Doha if I get the custody of my child. Doesn't make much sense to me...
My name is Ayesha Syed Rafiuddin. I urgently need a divorce from my husband. I am living in constant fear for my life. He has been threatening to kill me, and I believe he is capable of following through with these threats. My mental and emotional health have deteriorated due to his abusive behaviour. I am terrified for my safety and can no longer live under these circumstances. Please help me by processing my divorce as soon as possible. I need immediate legal protection to ensure my survival and well-being. This is an emergency, and I seek your prompt assistance. (my contact no. in Qatar: +97455781995)
Had a similar problem. My divorce lawyer just easily solved a problem. Found him on StateDivorce . You can check this site with divorce lawyers from different states. Because I think you shouldn't go to the court without a lawyer.
alsalamu 3alakom.
I have followed your discussion. I know we all have the life God gave us, but has something of the same problem, can you help me with somewhere I can talk to someone about divorces,, get enticed to get divorced because that qatar state sent a letter. that she had to leave Qatar. because she is married with one from another country, so I agreed that we get divorced and get married out of the country after she got it, I did not get my rights to bake or something, and the witnesses who were in on it by we wore get divorced and the domes also know, and I state my paper on marriage contract, anyone know where I can find help for it ,,
Sorry to hear your story. May God help you.
You may contact Madam Mariam Al-Malki, Tel 4669333. She is working in Qatari House of Human Care. She will atleast guide you.
Good luck
You don't have to live in Qatar.. It is the Islamic Law. To my knowledge it does not matter if you get custody the baby can not be separated from the father(of course special circumstances apply) So you will have to live where the father is.
But then again I am not a professional so I might be wrong
To habeebah,rfc, mila, treasure,
Thank you all for your words of encouragement. We all have down times in our lives. I guess this is mine. But I believe hard times will not always last. It will be over soon but having some kinds words along the way does help :)
Actually any kind of info that may be helpful is welcome. You know I have hard time understanding some of the law here. As for the requirement to continue living in Doha after the divorce for example. I am a foreigner and so is my ex, so why do I need to continue living here after the divorce?
I am holding a Singapore passport.. Unfortunately we have no embassy here yet. You are right, I will make effort in joining some support group here. I was told there is a club for Singaporean recently launched called the Red Dotters. I tried to look for their website but unfortunately I couldn't get thru. Another problem is s2bx is always making complaints about me. I stay home I'm at fault, if I go out, I am also at fault.
S2bx is very nervous when I am getting help or support from others. Even when I went to my lawyer or Qatar Foundation For Women and Children's Protection, I received insults and threats from him.
I was adviced to get the divorce here as he may try to make things hard for me if I file the divorce from my country also he doesn't let me leave this country with my baby. He is keeping her (baby's) passport.
Thank you for your kind words.. I hope things will get better. But I can only see it's getting worse. I had to deal with his nonsense only before but now, his family (parents & 20 years old son) from Turkey are here to support him against me.
I am very sory to hear this. I only hope God give you strenght to deal with this problem. Please keep fighting till justice is served. You have my biggest respect and admire your spirit for posting this issue here. My God bless you.
BTW- What passport do you hold? You may be able to get some help through your embassy as well. Or even file for divorce in your native country if your husband would be ameniable to the terms.
Why divorce consider bad thing sometimes it is better for both sides ( somethimes ).
Anyway so what kind of information u need about procedure ?
I am sorry to hear what you are going through. The only true support you will ever recieve is fom a support network you build of friends and family. And yes sometimes this means that you must open up and share with complete strangers. There is little help to be had in Qatar for an abused woman as it is still a very 3rd world mentality of inferior women. You must rmember throughout these trials that life does go on and will be better. Try and find a social group you enjoy being around and get yourself out of his reach as much as possible. You will be amazed at how much help you can find through a friendship and a kind ear to listen to you. Best of luck and keep your spirits high no matter what!
sigh..may the dear god give you the strenght in any aspect you need wish you all the best..
So sorry. Wish you all the best, the worst thing you can do to a mother, is to seperate her from her baby. May God give you the strength you need.