Rude Land Cruiser?

Yes he has overtaken on the left in the face of oncoming traffic (just missed them) and is entering the roundabout where oncoming traffic enters this street.
Why? Because he's too good to wait in line for his turn to enter the roundabout.
<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="" width="640" height="480" alt="Land Cruiser" /></a>
LANDCRIUSERS for speed...!!!!
Then Camels are good for Racing too.
Just because the Landcruisers have good Torque and high engin RPM people think they are racing machines.
on the contrary any SUVs over the speed of 120 become terrifingly unstable especially due to their high ground clearence (centre of gravity is higher) and heavy body. In a LC High speed panic breaking is a SUCIDE.
That is why in Qatar in most of the Accidents one vehicle is almost always a Landcruiser.
It also needs 3 times more petrol to cover as much ground as a Car.
So I would lay down the bet I could outrun any LANDCRUISER in a average car like a Corolla on A-LITER-OF-PETROL. By the 3rd kilometer the so called CRUISER would come to a halt while I would reach my destination anywhere in Doha on a liter of petrol (10km).
SUVs are for tough terrain like snow,uneven road, sand-dunes.
High speed Racing is ment for cars and that too for cars with low-profile and light body.
You will rarely see such a race car in an accident.
most people do it because they think its cool, while others think that is the way to drive, and besides, the pedal of a landcriuser is light and makes you want to speed.
Its the birthright of a Landcruiser to be rude !!! (In case you didn't know already)
they are crazy.
Unrelatedly the withered and on-the-brink-of-collapsing building u see in the pic is the all boys public highschool Istiqlal which I just graduated from.....thank god those days are over!