Cost of Living Adjustment
By scoobydooby •
Is there a standard or commonly used cost of living adjustment for salaries of those moving from the United States to Qatar? I am specifically concerned with salaries of those moving from New York City and/or Washington, DC. Please note if you are including or excluding packages that include housing and all that.
- John
The way the question was phrased appeared to be seeking special allowances because he was moving from NY/ Washington? because he was earning a lot in that location.
If the question was because he is from the West, that would have been answered differently.
Taking QP as an example (I don't think the situation has changed significantly since I left), there is no difference between the pay scales for Western/Eastern nationals. there IS however a slight difference in the allowances paid i.e WIA.
There IS also a difference in such as school fees. In terms of actual basic salaries paid, each offer is made in line with a statistical trend (using multiple regression analysis based on proven elements) for the appropriate peer group.
your question has been unfairly answered by dweller I feel.
I am a recent immigrant back to qatar from canada. I have a job that pays a fair amount of living allowance and transportation and fills my needs more than adequately. You can make a case for it (infact they will realise it themselves), it just depends on the employer.
Generally, your allowances of housing and transport are not kicked up specifically because of where u come from, in contrast, your whole salary package is kicked up. So, even though they will not tell u that they are giving u more to live because ure western, in fact they are.
There is a clear dichotomy that exists in Qatar that depends on where you come from. If you're from the west, salaries are generally higher than if u are from somewhere else. Its not fair (just ask the nepalis here), but thats the way the cookie crumbles here.
If you are moving to Qatar with your existing company (as a secondee) then ask them.
If you are moving here to take up a new job with a new employer they don't care where you come from. Don't expect different treatment to anyone else.