Ice burgs and Qatar
Qatar's LNG ships return empty after unloading their cargo all around the globe and sometimes passing by the Ice burgs. They can tow in ice burgs instead and park them around Qatar Peninsula.
This can solve the drinking and irrigation water shortage.
Also can the floating Ice burgs reduce its summer temperature and change its weather system? Any positive thoughts.
Theres no harm of having a good hopes and dreams. But make sure you wake up to reality after. :)
Towing icebergs is out of question as they dont stay like that once the temperature starts increasing, all the way from the cold seas.
Rizks and I are already investing in a Tug Boat to go and tow the icebergs..
The problem may be the shallowness of the Gulf :O(
steve, it seems you need some geography lessons..:)
It was an inspiring lecture in MIA last week by Dr. Rabi about water security in the arab states.. law of thermodynamics.. it will help a region but will destabilize another part of the planet..
Reading this outlandish thought I can suggest something similar...why not lay a pipeline to Qatar from North Pole and install a huge solar heater. The solar heater will slowly melt ice and the generated water can be pumped to countries on the way wherever fresh water is scarce.
It could work if they only tow them at night so they do not melt.
Saudi thought about going this a few years ago .. Few logistical problems to resolve ..
sincere effort can do wonders ....