Should prisoners have rights?

Here's a tough one. Many on this site call for rapists and murderers to be killed by the state but should some same rapists and murderers be able to gain financially from their perceived mistreatment in jail? After all they did not show their victims kindness.
Nearly 200 Muslim prisoners are suing the Government after being served halal food contaminated with pork, claiming their human rights were breached.
Adjudicators will decide how much compensation will pay for damage caused, making offenders financially responsible for their actions inside jail for the first time
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has confirmed that 186 inmates have launched legal cases in an attempt to win compensation over the error.
However, tests on halal sausage rolls, shepherd’s pies, steak and kidney pies and pasties served in three separate prisons were found to have contained pork.
It is feared that if the legal cases are successful, they could leave the way open for a flood of similar claims from other prisoners. There are 11,248 Muslims in prisons in England and Wales, accounting for 13.1 per cent of the jail population.
"Coming from third world Muslim counties where prisoners sleep on the hard cold floor eat and pisss in the same plate"
What is your source for this?
Have you been to Jail?
Are you asking for a 5 stars prison?
Coming from third world Muslim counties where prisoners sleep on the hard cold floor eats and pisss in the same plate hence many of these people find British prisons a getaway tropical resort.
A sort of 'get away" from their responsibilities as citizens of that country, to work hard and contribute to the growth of the nation. Instead you got the govie fattening 'em up on all the sausages, the pan cakes and the meat pies , all for free, while their families outside prison continue to benefit from cards.
Besides, the meat supplier has been suspended and that’s enough, no compensations.
Preferential treatment like this will always be controversial and not in any way helpful.
what kind of compensation brit?
Reduction of sentence, Or Giving them Double meals or what
I think, what done is done
No compensation
But at the same time No more mistakes form the police side, and there should be more strict supervision
(you are not reading Brit's first comment).
compensation...No...They are prisoners and need to be treated like prisoners...Is there any law that states prisoners should be given compensation..I do not think so
But at the end when it comes to religion it should be respected
yes agree to sulie
They are asking for financial compensation ..
Agreed...unless intentional of deceive someone intentionally into violating their own beliefs deserves some compensation....I think a fair reward would be better/more food.
No need of any compensation. Its the civilians money. Just tell them we serve meat or pork clearly.
I believe we are mixing a few issues here.. The title is misleading. The discussion is less about their rights and more to do with their claim for compensation..
So, let us agree that ALL prisoners have the right to be treated fairly and have their rights respected.
Now, the question is that in this case, should the prisoners be offered compensation..
Lead by example...u want those criminals to respect others' the same to them...u cant allow someone to be wronged then say well I can do that to u but ur not allowed to do it to others!!??? ur just teaching 'em that its ok to violate human rights.
NO RIGHTS. I said, in jail, it is not the best place to talk about it. Don't go to too much specifics. Of course there are innocents people there but will you agree that there are also people there considered a menace already in society?
WOW this topic shows me the true colors of some users here on QL
LISTEN PPL THE MAIN POINT OF GOIN TO JAIL IS REHABILITATION...punishment without rehab does not deter future incidents and criminals will leave prison to get back to whatever they were doing before...ppl who ARE in jail r there to clear their slate and get back to where they can be productive members of the society so YES THEY HAVE RIGHTS TOO!!! if u don't give 'em rights how do u expect 'em to leave prison and respect others right??? LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
besides...we all know that there r some innocent ppl in jail...and we all know that 2 wrongs dont make a right!!!
it is earned. And the jail is not the best place to talk about it!
teh food. Period. unless they want to start a prison riot because of it. If they are very particular about it, they should ask about it before they eat. Me, I always ask if something in my belief is haram, I always ask for it and if it is present, then I DON'T eat it. Simple.
Death is escape
Punishment is retribution
Humiliation is the tipping point
in Ontario - Canada "prison" is called "Correctional facilities".
So I guess, you cannot correct the person having him suffering, humiliated and deprived of rights.. He is there for correction rather than for punishment....
Yes they may very well be in more trouble with their Creator than had they eaten some pork. Mind you in this situation, where they did so unknowingly it is not even a sin. But given the laws of the land, it still was a violation of human rights. This is not some Khmer Rouge type prison where Muslims were made to eat pork as a penalty!
Besides were they in there for murder and rape, as according to their faith, they should get the death penalty not kept alive fed pork contaminated meals in jail!
Human rights more specially religious rights should never be violated on any body even prisoners or POW.
If they commit murder and that is like killing the whole of humanity so will go to hell. What does a little bit of pork matter? After all it is one of gods creations.
But yes I believe them being punished for a crime doesn't mean their human rights be breached. There was perhaps even no need for separate kitchen except on the day pork is served the prisoners be forewarned.
I agree with Marco than committing a crime that lands you in jail is sinful enough, however they are serving their time for that. Doesn't mean they are now doomed to eternal hell so eating pork is fine. Besides try doing the same to prisoners of other faiths and the reaction would be the same.
That said I don't think they should be compensated since it was a mistake. The authorities should be reprimanded and made to take precautions in the future, and maybe issue a formal apology.
Well if they are in prison they are not exactly respecting Islam themselves. Still better than the rotten food they'd of been served in any 3 world Muslim country prison.
Yes that is right.. pls get to know the meaning of halal and haram it talks abt pork which is classified as haram from islamic point of view
So all those who eat out are disrespecting their religion!
Ur getting confused with ur comment...those who do not respect are doing it wrong
People of different faith go and eat there without any problem.
Star hotels don't have separate kitchen.
Rip Cord,, Why do you contradict yourself?
Are you still in the prisoners side or what?
Is it really that hard to have separate kitchens? Or is it really needed?
They did violate the right hence they are inside..
if the authorities also wants to violate the right, then again it falls on the same popular quote in QL "Two wrongs will not make it right"
Punshi for the action
I dont ask you to serve them the meat they like to eat,just tell them that it has pork, it is upto them whether to eat it or not.
It is wrong to do it intentionally
I hope prisons might be having itineraries at least as veg or non-veg selection, so if they don't like eating pork let them eat the veg food, as simple as that. You dont have to show them extra sympathy for their beliefs but you have to be honest in conveying them a message.
If you don't have septet kitchens and tools you cannot have 100% uncontaminated food.
.it s abt respecting other religions
How many of you do that.
Yes.. It started with Horse Meat, then they found traces of pork in other meats also..
what do you mean by not intentional? How that could be possible?
and BTW about last year thing,are you talking about the Horses meat which has been sent from USA?
It s not about separate s abt respecting other religions
I just wonder how much pork we are talking about here. Prisoners should have separate kitchens, plates and cutlery. The expense is too much for the tax payer
OK.. If proof is provided that it was intentional, then prosecute the criminal and jail him / her .. BUT I don't think that they should get compensation..
I would say the same if it happened to Jews, Christians, Hindus or even Rippy!
Every one has to have his/hers rights no matter what crimes they have committed.
How do u know it was not intentional
Marco, A person has stolen something from you and in a revenge you have stolen something from him. Do you think it is wise? If your theory is right then they should not be put in prison then.
So it's ok to violate other people's right by committing crimes and acts of terror on the public but pork pies are a big No No!
This is funny
In this instance, it was not intentional.
You will recall that there was a scare last year when similarly tainted meat was sold in Europe. No indivisual claimed that his human rights had been beached..
Breach of human rights.
Being arrested and put in jail is their punishment and it is somehow enough.
As in Islam it is not allowed to eat pork meat, they have ti respect that, and the same is applicable in any religion or any other thing.
Muslims do not eat pork because it s if given pork intentionally knowing they are muslims...then it s totally...respect to all religion
Wondering ur an atheist...most of ur topics are based on religion...inshaallah for getting closer to religion
And btw if u have given urself right to insult religion or other countries why not these prisoners do the same
The authorities should be reprimanded. Suppliers should be made to ensure it doesn't happen again. BUT , IMHO , the prisoners should not be compensated ..
Yes. Punishment is for their action but they should not be humiliated other than what actually the punishment is. They can stop eating non_veg if they are not sure whether its halal or haram.. not being in prison so many muslims do the same..