Official eid dates - private sector
Hi all, wanted to book airline tickets for Eid but unfortunately my work (private sector) hasn't informed me of the exact dates other than it may be October 14-16 which is midweek. The last time this apparently happened in 2010 the government also gave Thursday off leading to a long weekend. Any idea when the government announces it. Considering the upcoming eid is fixed (and not dependent on the moon sighting) i would've thought there would be a fixed set of dates already. Thanks
It is a personal choice. Live and Let others Live the way they like. Always weighing others personal choice with your scale will keep you busy on something which is not necessary for you.
LLR you can still do that even if you know the date in advance. It's like parents know that Santa Claus is not real but they still enjoy Christmas morning to see their kids happy.
The muslim wworld still quarrels over moon sighting for determining the start/finish of relgiiosu events.
Perosnally I favore the calucations.
It is not ignorance.. it is subjective & emotional intelligence.. Maybe you prefer an emotionally inert life but I don't want to have a substitute of the feeling of going to rooftop with my family members and wait for few moments for a moon sight and greet each other with happiness and love..
I urge you to read the book Alone Together by Sherry Turkle
Don't live in ignornace!
RIP, You will not understand the Subjective Feelings.
You know how babies are formed but still we prefer the one which gives us more pleasure.. hence stop judging others by your limited thinking... its all subjective.
Well quite simply mast, Eid is a date in the lunar calender. The phases of the moon as we see them from earth are due to the fact that the moon orbits the earth and that the earth orbits the sun.
We can calcuate the paths of these bodies and therefore know what phase the moon will be in due to relative position to the earth and the sun at any one time.
Hence we know exactly what day Eid will fall in advance. We don't need to 'look out of our window'
what has motion of planets and moons around a sun got to do with OP question about official eid date for booking airlines ticket?
What has atheism got to do with the motion of planets and moons around a sun?
one Pakistani atheist joined group with other in famous QL athiests
It is not exact as we have to add leap days and even seconds sometimes but it is a damn site better than the lunar calendar, which is a pagan invention!
Why do some humans still use the lunar calendar when the solar calendar is much more logical. You would think when a society finds something better they would adopt it, not here though, lets party like its 699 (and then stone those evil party goers to death)
nah, let them run their own dates. everything is so slow here except those land cruisers
I do not know everything but we as humanity have been able to calculate the motions of heavenly bodies, to use a phrase, since at least the Greeks. That is over 2000 years.
Why pretend now we don't know? It is like saying why don't we go back to pretending the earth is flat.
Ripcord, now you are pretending that you know everything!
Exactly my thoughts.. I have been wondering that for years..
insha Allah the eid holidays will start from 14 [the Arafa day] 15 [Eid ul Adha Day] 16 & 17
But we do know, we know every year! Why pretend otherwise?!??!
Eid will be most probably on 15th so the holidays will be 15-17 plus 18-19 Friday and Saturday and for your info, Eid has no fixed dates and it is according to the lunar calendar (10th of Dulhajj)
Ripcord, if you doesn't know keep quite.
my dear you can fixing your vacation now...
This is the 7th Century, so of course they do not know, they need to see the moon....
For the rest of us we can calculate the phases of the moon with a 100% accuracy but then again we live in the 21st Century.