Locked like birds in a cage & they want to be free

Maid falls to death in bid to escape from flat
A 28-year-old Indonesian domestic helper fell nine floors to death while trying to escape from the apartment of her sponsor.
The Central Operations Room of the UAQ Police was alerted around 2pm. The woman was already dead when the rescue team arrived on the scene and the body was shifted to the UAQ Hospital morgue to be delivered to her relatives.
“Initial investigations show that the maid made a string using pieces of clothes and tied it to the iron rails of the balcony of the apartment where she was working. She tried to ease herself into the balcony of the apartment below through the string to escape from her sponsor, but failed to hold firmly and fell,” he said.
“Investigations are still under way to identify the reasons behind her attempt to escape from her sponsor and eventual death.”
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fatal plan ....