Finding Sheikh/imam in QATAR who will wed to muslims?!?!?!

Salam aleikum.
Me and my future husband are in an urgent situation.
We are going on vacation to meet each other and marry in Qatar inshallah, but we both live in 2 other countries. We just found out how difficult it is to get married in Qatar, and we are going there so soon that we don't have time to go through the court house procedure and all that.
So we need to find an imam/sheikh in QATAR as SOON AS POSSIBLE who will let us make nikah contract without all the court house involvement, because we will make an extra nikah contract in my country in 1 month which will be valid for my non-country's rules.
Please, I hope someone knows someone who will help us, Insha'Allah.
Nadia abdulla, what are the requirements for getting married in sharia court?
Salam. Sister i want to marry in Qatar. Any practical muslim girl can marry me who will stay Qatar with me through my job period (As long as i stay here) after that she will go with my country.. Do you know any one whom i can contact in this regard.
sittie almaliki sister i need the information about that coz me and my fiance want to get marriage in shariah court very soom plzz i need your help to give me the information what we need documents for that ,.thanks so much,.
you may go directly go to shariah court. if u need infos regarding the requirements then i may give u. because me and my husband got married there also in shariah court
U pls check on Islamic culture centre in doha(Souq)
stick to the topic and to the question asked
To the op...Cherrukan has answered your question perfectly to the point...To do nikah there is a court near Mannai round about which you need to check it out for the same..Also you can check the documents required for the same.
And you need witness for the same.
Green Signal those things used to happen 6 decades ago or can even happen today if they stay in their home country and never move out. But this is a political world since UN formation, so a certificate is necessary to protect themselves legally to any country's law.
The waliy (guardian) of the girl has accepted the proposal by saying, for example, "I marry you my daughter", and the one who proposed has replied, for example, by " I accept," or "I am satisfied" (i.e. with his acceptance).
This takes place in the presence of two witnesses
The woman is legally eligible to marry the man according to Islamic shari'ah (that is she is not a Mahram of the proposer [those to whom the proposer is forbidden to marry. etc.]) Allah knows best.
You are answerable to Allah. Hence marry as Allah has told. Then everything is lawful. May God protect you Sister. An imam is not needed. Any two muslim witness and a Waliy. All praise is for Allaah.
A marriage contract is valid in Islam if the following conditions are met, even if the marriage does not take place in a court, or in the presence of a Judge or the Imaam of the masjid. In addition, it does not need to be written.
Get marry in your country and bring the Marriage certificate attested by the legal authorities there in your country.. thats all. no need to marry again in Qatar. However, if you will marry here i don't think there will be any difficulties what you will need only two witness. but better to do it in ur own country and then come here here with marriage certificate.
This looks a runaway marriage and how did you people manage to get qatar visa. Marriage is only possible through either one's embassy only and it will take considerable time for processing these documents. A NOC is also needed, however that can be arranged through friends. Nothing like Urgent is possible here as this is a different country for both. Anyway best of luck, but tell me how you both will manage life without the involvement of your families. Do you people earn enough to manage life ? Have some family members or friends to support later on.
Another option is to visit a major city in india and contact awqaf department to assist you in marriage.
I think you can get such thing in Bahrain, you need to check on this coz there are some Imam who can do that, and you can get it to the court for attestation.
Which country?
No, you cannot get married in Qatar illegally.
There's some urgency ..... as she said.
people are happily ready then why .... ?
In Qatar no imam will do it as it is against the rule and nikah should be done through Sharia Court. Nobody is going to put themself in trouble.