School system in Doha

I hope everybody is doing well.
I will be moving soon from US to Doha. I have a daughter who is 4 and I am trying to find a school for her. At home we speak French, Arabic and English. So I don't know yet to which kind of school I should send her. I am having a hard time understanding the school system in Doha. I am search is toward private schools (qatari or international). Do you know any good qatari or international private schools? What is it taught in both kinds of schools?Do qatari private school provide high education level? Are the kids well behaved? Do they have English classes or only Arabic? If they have English classes are they taught by native English-speaker teachers? Is it easy to register? What are independent schools?
Regarding the international schools, what are the best schools (American and British curriculum)? is it easy to register? What do they do in pre-K?
Usually where do locals send their kids?
I will really appreciate your help.
not be able to send your child there. the independent schools are qatari schools run by other organizations, instead of the government. What you will be needing is an international school and they are all private. You would probably be most comfortable in either the American or British System schools, but may wish to consider the french schools and then so on and so on.
The bad news is the lower the grade, the harder it is to find a place in schools. Most schools are completely full and have long waiting lists, especially this time of year. You will need to apply to MANY schools and then are still not guaranteed a place for this year. Good luck
The common language in Doha is English. As an expat kid, she should probably be schooled in that language. But for those of French-Arabic extraction, there is Chouefat.
Best to go for an International school system. Problem will be to find a place as there is an enormous shortage and many schools have a waiting list. Coming from the US the American School Doha (ASD) might be first choice. Others: American Community School (ACS), International School of London (ISLQ), Qatar Academy Doha. Other schools mainly have the British Curriculum. It won't be easy at this time of the year to find something I'm afraid