Qatar Airways Is Not an EEO Employer

My daughter who recently graduated from Carnegie Mellon University-Qatar with University Honors recently received an offer from QR as follows:
We are pleased to offer the following
Senior Software Engineer
Basic Salary: 5856 QAR
Housing Allowance: Company Accommodation*
*If there is no Company Accommodation available when you join, you will be allocated a Housing Rent Allowance of 4,000 QAR per month to source your own accommodation in Doha. If you currently have your own accommodation in Doha, please advise me accordingly so as to initiate the process of housing allowance release.
Transportation Allowance: 600 QAR
I was horrified because her alma mater who is working there as well works with a basic salary of QAR16,000 + other perks just because he is an American citizen.
My daughter is very talented and has a lot of achievements under her cap while in the Uni. She travelled to the USA 3 times attending ICT conferences even present her research under the Undergraduate Research Experience Program under the Qatar National Research Fund in Portugal. She even won the inaugural Vodaphone-ictQatar: AlFikra Appathon Competition in March 2013.
Most organizations in Qatar are not an Equal Employment Employer. They hire based in your nationality, with the Qatari nationals in the highest tier. ASEAN nationals & South Asians are at the bottom of the pit in terms of remuneration.
I was silent as I do not want to feed the trolls here. On the 13th August QA called back and offered a 25% increase of their earlier offer. By then my daughter received an offer to do her PhD at the National University of Singapore with a full scholarship and a monthly allowance of SGD3,000 which is equivalent to QAR8,705.
Her degree is equivalent to the US campus for all Unis in Education City this is definitely the case, even her degree comes directly from Pittsburgh campus. She goes straight into the PhD program without need to do a Masters.
This recent news proves my point precisely:
Well said Mandi, some people just think they and their kids are special and think everything should be handed to them on a plate. Even if you are the brightest student you still have to work for it!
P.S. I would not give this lady a job now as I would be worried her mother would start coming into the office telling me what to do and how to treat her daughter.
Part 2 - Maybe your connections can get her a job back home, but from my understanding that's not the most advisable way to support a bright kid which your daughter clearly is. Let her find her way.
Hey, Tiger Mother, cool your jets! You're not doing your daughter any favors. First off, congratulations on your daughter being offered a job right out of school. Not many new graduates can say that. It's not great, but it's a start. Kids are supposed to climb the corporate ladder (by themselves!) rather than starting out at the top. Even a great undergraduate school and great grades do not guarantee a great job - not at first. After my first Ivy League degree I worked as a waitress! I understand that Qatar is not the world's most level playing field but I'm not sure she could do much better in the EEOC US nowadays.
myrnamiraj the only reason you feel it is not relevent is the fact it proves your argument wrong, you complain about double standards and how your daughter gets an offer lower than a western employee, i've got news for you your own country and most other SE Asian countries have been guilty of double pricing of most things against westerns for years.
There is another great proverb that would fit "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" make sure your own country is free from double standards before you critisize.
You don't want to disscuss anything with me because it drains your positive energy the only thing i feel from your comments would be bitterness and negativity.
Alright #Thelonius I shall do so because Dean Mark Weichold of TAMUQ shall visit Iskandar Malaysia this early July.. And if I had known earlier, I would have inquired the same with Dean Gerd Nonneman of Georgetown University-Qatar as he was here recently visiting the Iskandar Malaysia economic region.. I shall post Dean Weichold's reply regarding this..
Yes #Rip Cord that is exactly what I tell her to do now.. :-)
The brain child of Onigiri the mobile app that won last year's Appathon was my daughter.. Onigiri is a Japanese delicacy which means rice ball..
Well good for you if you are proud of your daughter. Why does she not go back to her country and help in it's development and then you can be more proud of her.
This is on youtube.. That Asian girl is my daughter and I am proud of all her achievements.. And #jon_ma, she has both soft skills & technical expertise..
She went to Atlanta for Anita Borg Conference, then was sent to Portland for ICTD Conference at the University of Georgia, to Arkansas as a finalist in Info Systems Management competition. Was in Portugal presenting the research that she was a team in under the Undergrad Research Experience Program where her Prof gt a grant frm Qatar National Research Fund.. On the Dean's List for 6 consecutive semesters at Carnegie Mellon so yeah I knw her talent would be sought after elsewhere..
enough experience for her in here, she can get better chance at home country, as I experienced as well, the difference is only 8 to 10! think triple with kefala system here...
And some of those students frm CMU Qatar are already doing the post grad study in MIT, Michigan Uni, Oxford, CMU, CalTech etc as well after they graduate.. I dunno where you gt your information #Thelonius.. CMU Qatar students even do 1 semester transfer program in Pittsburgh campus.. Some also do another semester at Singapore Management University.. The degree for all 6 American Universities in EC Qatar is exactly the same as in USA.. Yes she won Alfikra Appathon Competition and her team won QAR40,000 in March 2012 organized by Vodaphone-ictQatar
Hahaha some people here can be so emotional.. It is not arrogance but I know life is unfair to everyone. I am just sharing my thoughts, agree to disagree cordially to those like #karoly. Yes #jon_ma I agree with you for her to come home to work and #Thelonius are you studying or an alumni of any of the American Uni in Qatar Education City? If not, you don't have the authority to comment that way. The degree is the same as in America. Nobody would know looking at her degree tht she studied in Qatar campus. Admission is exactly same policy as in USA. Iam surprised at some people ignorance abt this..
So your daughter visited the US three times, wow, stick another 5000 QR on her salary.....
As a fresh grad she should be happy she got offered a position as a non-citizen of this country.
I cannot accept completely that its just experience that determines the credibility for getting a higher offer. There are companies esp in the software sector offering much more than this. Its a balance between experience and academics that should land you in a better offer. However I do not tell that just by studying in a high ranked university will land you in a high paid job. It depends on the way on presents himself and portrays what he shows to be his talent. I would suggest that start working in your country and after some time come down here if you feel so.
This is sheer arrogance on the part of myrnamiraj. A fresh graduate is offered 10000, which is more than most fresh graduates get in west, and you are lamenting it and accusing the employers of racism. If QA didnt extend any offer at all that would have been very fair right? It is deserving that you rejected, in other words lost, the offer. In fact the economic situation is that many fresh graduates are queuing up for unpaid internships. Well done, wait for the 30000 QR offer, and dont settle for anything less than that, OK? All the best.
An honors graduate of MIT or CALTECH or HARVARD would surely give a run for their money any experienced person. Not all life experience are essential knowledge.
who knows nothing about his job. He gets paid for that, sweetly I suppose, plus all the amenities that his brown equal can't even think of. Oh, it's not the passport btw, but the skin color. It's not only QA but generally most govt-owned companies practice this. Life is unfair isn't it? :)
I am not working in Qatar #themorpheous, I am working in Malaysia. I heard about it but never experience personally.. So I told her, let's come home & bring your talent to develop Malaysia. Especially at the new economic region Iskandar Malaysia development. Singapore has invested heavily in Iskandar Malaysia, which is to give you an idea, is how Shenzen is to Hong Kong.. Iskandar Malaysia is the Shenzen of Singapore a fast growing economic region.. :-)
Malaysia may not have the money like super rich Qatar but we have good development, stable government & business friendly policy in place.. if you didn't know this already! im sure you are paid less than the western beside you, right. What made you think things would be fair for your children when they were never fair in the past centuries for the minority?
yes you are right. Not only Qatar Airways but many companies in Qatar follow this way.
It's really a opposite of human rights.
It is a service sector, so they are to give non cash benefits more than a high basic salary!
Qatar Airways grades and posts have varied salary scales. And yes it is highly dependent on your nationality rather than your skillset/experience.
Thank you to those with kind words & encouragement. I agree she is better off elsewhere. And Keith67, your example isn't apple to apple so I am just ignoring it because it's futile to debate with such a person. Drains the positive energy within me hahaha..
There are other opportunities as the world is vast and large.. ASEAN is growing very fast as well.. This is where the actions are happening.. Singapore never has enough for talents & they embrace young talents.. Malaysia too where we come from..
The only fantastic thing Qatar has done is its heavy investment in education & research but the down side is Qatar never retain the talents they create..
Don't accept such offer, Qatar Airways is still paying low salaries compared to the country inflation rate
Also, the working environment is not that encouraging!
I am a compensation & benefits manager working in Qatar in a well established company and I know the market practices very well
Such is the reality. Accept it and move on. Hope she finds a job she likes..
in Qatar. she is better off elsewhere.
here its always this way.
Offers are high for Nationals and Western Expats.
It is also bcoz of the Currency Value..
Judging by your rather one sided views of the expertise of your daughter i will ask you 1 question, if you were to require an opperation on your brain would you like it to be carried out by a 10 year experienced brain surgeon or a new graduate brain surgeon?
And look at the post that is offered to her, SENIOR Software Engineer, if she is just a green, inexperience, skilless new graduate, why give her a Senior position. It is just tht organization should hire & remuneration should correlate with qualification, skill, talent, attitude & potential. Not by the nationality of the individual. Because an organization strength is its people in my opinion, isn't it?
This is why in the English language there is a proverb: You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.. hehehe
She graduates not just from any university but Carnegie Mellon which is ranked in the top 3 in its Information Systems faculty in USA.. CMU graduates learning in the university has strong links with the industry players as well as government agencies. Her senior year project was for the Ministry of Interior, Qatar. So CMU is not just like any university go through rote learning to memorize and vomit in exams. Highly ranked American universities are a different league altogether, fyi..
She is refusing the offer.. I am just giving my thoughts which I think not wrong & hopefully not an offense. I am telling her to come home and work in Malaysia instead which will offer better salary as well as better living environment.. She will be well received in Malaysia or Singapore..
Please note that a new graduate employee can not match an experience professional no matter how much she/he achieved in college.
There is a great difference between actual and theory. She may possess a first class brain and that's all. Experience wise, she still has to prove in practice.
Moreover, hiring process in the Gulf States just like in any countries in the Middle East, the salary given is based in the candidates country of origin.
Does the other person have previous work experience? Your daughter is a new graduate no matter how talented she is and how good her marks. If the other person has demonstrated practical work experience in the field (perhaps several years) of course they will be offered a higher salary.
I would also advise you not to publish these details on a public forum. Qatar Airways, like a lot of employers keep an eye on these types of forums and they can easily identify your daughter now and perhaps withdraw the offer.
There is no Equal Opportunity law in Qatar
you have the option to refuse.