Haagen Dazs ceiling collapse

By shabina921 •
The ceiling at the Haagen Dazs ice cream shop in Landmark Mall apparently collapsed this morning. There are no reported injuries, but photos of the damage began spreading quickly on social media, with residents once again expressing concern about building safety.
Here's what we know:
Shabina I really like your interview with Scot daily. Thanks. :)
Can they stop using this Gypsum board?... it has very low strength, almost dilutes with water and it is also easy to catch fire...
Qatar should Ban the use of gypsum board to improve the quality of construction...
but they are connected...they own the place
and naming people in this thread who are not in anyway connected to this particular issue is offensive.
I am not sure if you know this, but outside of our little bubble, in the rest of the world, stuff like this happens as well. Get over it.
We need to do a multi pronged investigation.
Well that will take the attention away from Villaggio for a bit. I will bet the management there are breathing a sigh of relief it wasn't them again.
Traces of any mice was noticed there in the damaged ceiling ?
I've expressed my serious concern above.
Ramada parking and Q-tel office brite.......
What else ? regarding the ceiling collapse .
"Is anything in Qatar built properly?"
Yes! My Cuban Shotputter was built like a world war II bunker :O)
My heart is crystal clear, see it yourself.
This one is for you.
Aren't you offering us too ?
I am afraid and pondering at what we / a few among us had done to deserve these kind of near misses ?
Lets try to be safe by cleansing our hearts everyone !
As required.
This is totally unacceptable!
I'm sure it's a total coincidence Villagio and Landmark are owned by the same person.
oh great, and later check his religion etc etc ? :(
check the contractor's nationality.
cheap contractor with no installation exp. = collapse. :)
i wonder which building here is really safe.
Poor workmanship , I am surprised not more places has fallen apart yet
Oh and for God sake I hope Landmark is not closed now. I seriously need to do some shopping from there.
Thank God after the fire incidents the shop keeper suggested me to wear helmet with fire proof suit at all times. Hell i don't care if I look out of place going to malls & even going to sleep with my fire suit. At least it keeps me safe at all times.
rizks questions thesurprised answer comes from thelonius wat a coincidence
point to ponder !!! all buildings here are not able to survive any natural calamity.
Yes, TheSurprised...the Sheraton hotel, its very old and still rigid ! :)
I do it at home.
if you give peanuts u will catch these type of monkeys, if you give flesh then you can have lion. better to pay good to have good
syrian attack
Well if nothing else blame it on the earthquake in the neighbouring country or hypersonic planes passing overhead
Is it the after-affect of 'Mild Shocks' ?
Alarming to say the least.
Yeah authorities should think more about quality while awarding tenders..choosing the least bidder results with all these accidents.
Oh dear, after Villagio its Landmark now...:(
i wonder, Wats next ?