To all moms and dads, plz beware, kids should play inside compound and nt otherwise.. dnt trust vehicles.. anything can happen suddenly and without any warning...
see wht happend to our parked car which got hit with a landcruiser... I attached some pics of the road also.. how far the road from the house...even police didnt beleive wht happend... there were some kids playing there, Thanks God they didnt injure, only sand on their eyes...
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioun,,
Police said my car will be 100% cancelled,,
Please keep ur kids away from roads...
oh alredoo thats nice from u :)
So that i can include in my prayer that insurance company to fix your car 100% :(
hihi fea, so he may can help :D
Kader bhai, yeah ur right, the most important is human, a car can go and million will come, but when a person will go nothing can replace him :)
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi Rajioon
Hope u,yr family and LC guy is safe Alhamdulillah loss of property can be gained anytime
may b working in an investigation dept :P
Strom thank u sis, Ameen
alredoo, are u working in insurance company ;)
strom..was that you driving like a strom in the LC ...:P
Yes please do...:)...btw which insurance company is your car :)
thats truly a very sad thing to see, i am glad everyone is safe.
may Allah be with you all the time ameen :-)
alredo going at 12 In Shaa Allah, will update u :)
So did you go to the insurance company and what did they say..can it be fixed or mafi :)
osama bro, thank you :)
thank god nobody was on the car and may allah replace you with a better car
deadman oh deadman, it's Allah wish :)
deadman, only driver was in the landcruiser and nothing happend to him, he is ok n went with us to police station,
Khanan , thank you
Alredo, plate number is on the floor :)
alredoo, already got the police report same day, the landcuiser guy admited it is his fault as the car is just parked, he said his stearing locked, as u can see in the pics the landcuiser until now is still there as they cant move it,, it hit our car n went to the oppposit side of the road, they just removed it from road with a cable,
our car was looking to the wall once hit it turned n start looking to the road,, but Alhamdolillah no one injured..
Glad to hear no one got hurt, But the damage to the stationary car is a bit hard to visualise!
Thank Allah no one was injured
this is Saudi Arabia accident not Qatar
from has to had...:P
That number plate does not look like the new replaced ones...or it looks like other countries number plate..is that on the way to abu samra :P
atleast 1 month will go to settle
Oh my goodness. I just realised that Marco has a Land Cruiser :O(
Good you are safe.
Still I didn't get, what happened?
Crazy driving makes such accidents.
Its a terrible accident. What happened to the people in cruiser? Were they ok?
And thank Allah that you were not in the vehicle. Forget the car, You will get a better one than this.
Once again, thank Allah that no one got hurt, though i am also worried about the people in the cruiser.
you need to visit the nearest police station as told by the officer...he will give you the papers and you need to go to your insurance company and they will advice you...as far as i can see the back is gone...and probably you can repair it with the help of insurance :)
does any one know how the insurrance will deal with this as the car will be cancelled!! how much time it takes!
babu and alredoo, its nt time for ur sour jokes.. plz
n so far parking
And lots of love from me to you...truly your strength and patience in handling your trial is truly inspiring, Allahumma Baarik.
Oh!!! that's really sad, thanks for the awareness, Almighty ALLAH may protect us from unfortunate accidents and disease.
can you see the building on the other side of the road :)
where is the house ?
Fathimah sis Ameen,, Alhamdolillah for everything, things to be used n people to be loved, Thanks Allah no one is injured :)
smokey, will PM u
I'm surprised as i saw kids playing football on the road..after midnight :(
May Allah grant you better than what you lost sis...Aameen! And TFS.. A good warning for all those parents who tend to get lulled into a false sense of security, allowing their kids to play, unattended, on pavements besides even busy roads.
Hubby must be devastated :P
Yeah smokey, but thanks god for everything :)
Damn this is bad...such bad luck :(
TFS...Yes you are right..I would say BEWARE OF THE LANDCRUISERS...Unwantedly honking the car always, driving in a rude manner...they think they are the owners of the road and can do as they like
Thank goodness no one was hurt.
Calamity can strike anywhere and without warning