New Car from X Showroom
I been waiting now for almost 10 days to release my new car from X showroom. Today, when I checked/called them to know the status, i found out that they can not find the vehicle from their warehouse according to them, rather they informed me that they will change it, because the chasis number which been assigned to me is not available... Now, i took it by bank loan: do i need to start over again in the same process because the chasis number is different, and same thing, need to change the insurance certificate... Please advise, what action do i need to take to the car agent/showroom, or should i do it by myself again the whole process or they should take care it... QL please help me..... or there should be compensation about my long waiting....
thanks for the reply..... but im facing a problem now, i don't have a car to go/fro my office/home... i have no idea how many days they need to resolve this issue. Everytime i called them, they are promising to solve this problem as soon as possible....
better to check with the Bank and Insurance company if they have any problem with it...
good lucky
change of chasis number fr the bank loan purpose is not required if the loan has been granted already....change of that number from the insurance co is a easy dont worry .....relax