Importing Cars From Outside the GCC
I'm from the UK, and I like my car, so I wanted to bring it with me to Qatar. But finding out the rules for importing cars into Qatar from outside the GCC was very difficult, so I thought I would share what I found out so far. This may be helpful to others, but I still cannot say I am totally sure this is all correct - hopefully some kind souls will either confirm or correct. Better still, maybe someone knows where these rules are actually written down, because I got the feeling that nobody I spoke to knew for sure!
- The same import rules apply to all motor vehicles, including cars, motorcycles and trucks.
- Ensure the vehicle is be registered to the same name as the shipper, or else expect long delays with Customs.
- Only LEFT HAND DRIVE Vehicles may be imported into Qatar.
- To register the vehicle, the owner must be a resident in Qatar. For registration, proof of ownership at origin and original import manifest are required.
- Customs Duty is applicable, approximate rate is 6 - 7% of Customs Declared Value.
- Vehicles must be less than 5 years old. Customs told me that this meant the difference in the year of the car's registration and the year of import must be less than 5 years i.e. if the year of import is 2009, then you can only import cars first registered in 2005 or later. That means if a car was registered in December 2005, it could not be imported in January 2010 because 2005 is five years before 2010(!) This seems like an odd way to interpret a rule like this; do other people think this is how Customs apply the rules in practice?
Epriezka, Thanks for the useful information. Would you mind giving me details of who you were in contact with in Doha/Qatar as we are wanting to get my motorcycle shipped from the USA - it is older than 5 years and want to see if we can get special permission (or whatever is required). Any information would be a great help. Thanks.
Every country now is looking at banning the old vehicles as they emit lot of smoke,because of environment they prefer to have only less emission,
but how can you bring an old vehicle, like in 2009 you must get vehicle registerd with in 5 years,dont go by Book rule,explain they will definitely understand.
I guess they don't want to be burdened with complex maths, so 5 years is 5 years and not 1825 days :o(