Not Fair Enough
The damn manager sends me email to join the Group.
I joined the group then the manager gave me conditions AFTER i joined the group.
1- I have to be a baby sitter
2- I have to wash your yuckie dishes after dinner
3- I have to be your guard while you enjoy your meal.
4- I have to do limo service in case no body has a car.
5- I have to be on standby for your requirments while having your meal.
I object i want to join the Group and have a decent meal with you damn it :/
well i didnt accept any of those conditions and she
kicked me out of the Group.
Manager am soon going to court to sue you for 200 Meals in 6months.
Oh Plus you still owe me 1000 cookies from the previous case you lost.
A Very Disappointed 2minutes Ex member.
Oh dont get serious you guys. chill this is all just about your damn group manager Arrrrgh. :P