Looking for part time job. Kindly Please help me.?
I am 23 year old boy and currently working with a company from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Doha. And have internet access.
I have passed typewriting with first class and distinction. I need a part time job to increase my income as i have too much debts.
Kindly suggest me worthfully.
I am seriously searching for job. Don't give playful answers dudes
MobiLe : 33 546 307
As others say, its illegal to go for part time, but still u wanna take risk then alwz check out the classifieds in the online newspapers- gulftimes.com etc.
Good luck buddy
part time job is illegal in this country..unless you have the necessary permit.
part time job is illegal in this country..unless you have the necessary permit.
Do you have NOC from your Sponsor to work outside?