Car Insurance Question
My car was hit while it was parked and I was in my house. The person who hit my car stopped and admitted that it was his fault. We went the police station where we had a police report made. I then took this report to his insurance company. This is where I have questions.
I was told that the insurance company would not provide me a rental car and this was in Qatari law. Is this true? If so kind of crazy law allows the insurance company to not help the people who were not at fault. I was sleeping now I have to lose my car to get fixed for a couple weeks and have to pay for a rental out of my pocket. That is ridiculous.
Second, The insurance company said that the would not pay to repair it at the dealership because it was a 2009. WTF my car is two years old and now I have to take it to some sub standard garage to be repaired to save the insurance company money.
What kind of messed up system is this and is there any way to make suggestions to have it fixed to a modern day insurance company that is out to help with customer service?
Have you spoken to your insurance company? I'd get onto them first.
Hi..providing car by the insurance company has nothing to do with Qatar law. It will be there in insurance policies explained in detail. You should have read that. Some insurane companies give car when u make an accident and some dont. Regarding the insurance claim saying its 2009 model is totally ridiculous..better recheck it..since the accident is not being your fault you should be able to fix it from dealer itself..
Hi..providing car by th insurance company has nothing to do with Qatar law. It will be there in insurance policies explained in detail. You should have read that. Some insurane companies give car when u make an accident and some dont. Regarding the insurance claim saying its 2009 model is totally ridiculous..better recheck it..since the accident is not being your fault you should be able to fix it from dealer itself..