Mid Career
3-4 Years
Jobseeker Gender
Lead Software Engineer, Cloud Architect
• Sprint planning and task estimation, taking part in crafting
stories/requirements based on business requirements.
• Implemented Optimised React architectures with suspense based
lazy loading with react router.
• Created and maintained azure cloud infrastructures. Used VM,Vnet
,VMSS ,Azure VPN’s ,Azure Redis , Azure Data Factory,Send Grid etc.
• Invloved in End to End Process on the technical front for Theqa , SSQA
certification (Qatar) and Qatar Financial Center Licensing.
• Increase Business Productivity with well-planned and strategic
project management approach.
• Handled the development activities with tools like JIRA, Slack,
GitHub etc
• Assess potential risks and technical challenges and develop
appropriate mitigation plans.
• Created Typescript Nodejs ,React Redux hosted on Azure for
company internal purpose.
• Lead The entire team during the phases of the development life
• Architected and Developed Flutter Applications (Android & IOS
Full Stack Developer
• Design, develop and test HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and React Redux that meets accessibility and web standards and compatibility.
for website.
• Applied optimization techniques to reduce bundle size and load times to enhance user experience.
• Created React JS components and used Forms, Events, Keys, React-Router, Animations and Redux Persist.
• Used GraphQL and RESTful API’s.
• Used Custom components designed from scratch and also from library like Antd, BaseUI , Material UI etc.
• Developed PWA apps and testd using Google's Lighthouse tool.
• Used Google maps API for the purpose of displaying dynamic map data.
• Worked with JEST ,React Testing Library unit test framework along with puppeteer to write unit tests for JavaScript code.
• Worked on NodeJS to create optimized Authentication Functionality (passport),GraphQL (Apollo) and REST
API and File
Upload Using Multer.
• Worked with AWS SDK for S3 file management and AWS Cognito.
• Used AWS codepipline with Travis for CICD.
• Used Docker Containers where necessary.
• Used JIRA as the bug tracking system to track and maintain the history of bugs/issues on everyday basis.
• Used PM2 as a process manager that ran on top of NGINX server.
Project Engineer
• Communicate with the client to understand the requirement of the website, gained experience in project
• involved in writing the Project Design Document and Project Plan Document.
• Created and optimized graphic prototype websites and applications interfaces.
• Developing and designing SPA user interfaces in React JS.
• Used Redux for state management along with Redux-thunks.
• Optimized animation logic with optimistic functions to increase performance in rendering.
• Designed Developed the Architectural flow for the Nodejs GraphQL backend Server.
• Also Designed Developed WordPress web apps.