Entry level
0-2 Years
Jobseeker Gender
Dear sir
I am looking for a job Maintenance Engineer. my relevant qualification and experience have been described briefly below, So if there is any vacancy with you suits me.
Mob: 0097431233191
E-mail: [email protected]
Mechanical Engineer with 1 year of Experience in PRIME MEP as a Mechanical Engineer
The duty of me can be listed as follows
1)Worked as a Mechanical Designer Engineer.
2) Co-ordination with architectural and structural & all mep work. Mobilizing manpower and materials at the site.
3)Checking the weekly and monthly progress, dealing with the consultant, reporting the project manager and to the project management team.
4) Monitoring subcontractor work progress, checking the quality of work as per specification and approved drawings.
5) Going for the inspection on the site.
6) Checking of all Mechanical & Plumbing Service Drawings
7)Supervising in Maintenance of all plumbing fixtures and system.
8) Supervising in Maintenance of HVAC system, chillers and package units.
9) Supervising in Maintenance of BMS (Building Management System).
10 Preparing the report of the working condition of all the system and reporting it to chief engineer.
11) Scheduling the task to each foreman who has arranged in maintaining sections.
12) Preparing the list of components which has been change during repairing with its cost and fatigue failure.
Intership :-
Also attended a 10 days internship program at BAIL(Bangalore aircraft industry PVT LTD) as a student for structural designer and testing of aircraft body parts using certain software Such as CATIA V5 for designing and NASTARN, PATRAN for the analysis.the final step is to find out the fatigue life of aircraft. during my internship time period, my duty was to design the wing of the aircraft using CATIAV5. And to convert it into Analysis purpose using NASTRAN AND PATRON. and do a practical test on a prototype of aircraft wing using UTM. and to calibrate whether the theoretical and experimental value's same or not.
My relevant experience has been described in detail in above.
I am Also available with a transferable visa.
Thank you for your time and consideration.