Need to get in touch with "hafas" drivers
Within Qatar it appears that there are two distinct ways in which the Qatari youth can express themselves. For the females its often through designer abbayas and clothes, handbags and shoes, shopping etc., For young men it seems they often create their identity through cars, bikes and football teams. I am working on a project to explore the talents of young Qatari men who spend their time customising vehicles and bikes, learning to drift, burnout, do-nut, race, etc. Would like to present this in a positive light (let's face it, the guys certainly know how to handle their vehicles). Will be strictly confidential, but need contact to get me in touch with the boys direct.
If you know of anyone from Al Mafia, Power One, Dream Team etc., or know when and where I could make contact to explain what I am doing, please let me know.
Hi, that's great! Email me on [email protected]
Hey im Aisha's daughter....
Could i have ur phone number or summit... i know ppl that might be able to help you n i might see them today so if u could give me your number then i can pass it on to them n let them contact you, if they are up for it that is =)
thats fantastic! if she wants to get in touch with me so i can explain thats no problem!
My daughter knows one of them. I will ask her....
Aisha Taweela thats great help! thank you for that and does anbody know of anyone else personally, through brothers or cousins etc?
Yes but they "hang out" there too, or you could get talking to some of the guys there. They all know eachother! And get a way in that way.Or go to Sealine during a weekend & you will see them all going up the dunes.
good idea aisha, but would losail be a little bit too mainline for these guys, because i imagine what they do is a little bit undercover?
Why dont you go to the Losail track. I think that should be your starting point.
i don't think thats what ritzymac is looking for, it sounds more like social anthropology. I mean you could conduct a study about murderers on how and why they do it, but it doesn't mean you want them to go out and do it again. they can perform more skills on the public highways??? Yikes!