My family and I (1 child) are preparing to move to Doha in the near future. My wife has been made an offer which is 30% less than what she's earning in the UK. The starting salary is 15000 Riyals p/m + villa, healthcare and schooling. I do not have a job yet and will need to find one when I am there (I work in IT). Do you think this is a good offer? Will we be able to save much money, if for example I get a job earning 10-12000 Riyals?
Look forward to your response(s).
I was offered a job in the automotive sales industry and i have no clue what salary they are going to offer me. and i need to get some salary rates about similar enrty levels. what would be a good salary. and i am marrid too so i don't know if they would take this into consideration or not?
I've arrived Doha last month. If UK salary is higher by 30% then I believe your after tax salary in UK will be = Qatar's salary, so about to breakeven. If u have free accomodation here then u probably save that over the UK living. It is an OK offer and you should look for a job through recruiting companies from UK. Its better bec I am not sure u can find one after arriving here. Email me on [email protected] for any inquiries.
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