Why Mendiffer from Women
1. Dragging us from shop to shop is booooring. Shopping is not considered a sport so stop trying to convince us it is.
2. “Yes” or “No” is a perfectly acceptable answer. There is no need for us to elaborate.
3. If you ask us if “you look fat” in something, do not get upset about the answer. If you did not want to know don’t ask.
4. The toilet seat position is not an issue. You are a big girl and can put the seat down on your own. We have to put it up when we use it. You don’t see us complaining.
5. Asking us if we like your female friend is only asking for an argument. Don’t ask or don’t introduce us. Either way we couldn’t care less and it only becomes an issue coz you had to ask.
6. Reading between the lines is a waste of time and energy. Tell us what it is; you will be surprised at our capacity to understand.
7. Men were built to compete, whether in sport or a spitting contest with mates. Get used to it. We will always be competitive.
8. We don’t ask for directions because we lost the directions explained by a stranger after the third turn. Besides, we found America and Africa and all those other continents WITHOUT asking for directions, so get off our backs. We will get there eventually.
9. Watching sports on TV is not passing time. We do it coz we enjoy it. Standing in front of the telly taking to us does not help. It is one of the few times when we can see around you and blank out peripheral noises, like your talking.
10. No we do not enjoy a visit from your Mom. The old bag didn’t like me in the first place so why should I get all exited.
11. Crying is considered blackmail and should cease at once.
12. It is not cool to talk about us to your friends while we are still in the room. Have some consideration and leave the room if you are going to trashtalk us.
13. Don’t expect us to remember what we said or did last week, month or year. I can’t even remember what we discussed 30 minutes ago.
14. Stop looking at a man “that has potential”. We are not puppies that you can train. This is who we are when you first laid your peepers on us and that is who we will be. Don’t be disappointed when you cannot turn us into “what you think we should be”.
15. And finally. Men are not from Mars and Women from Venus. We are all born on this earth so get over it.
will allow you that, though we are not as bad as you men think :)
Lol... just a bit of fun, though some of it is true
i like the number one...
i like the number one...
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
a little anti-woman mood is it??? lol