Turn signal
After a few weeks driving in Doha, I found that most.......again I say..most...of drivers here does not care for others people safety....the only simple thing in driving as giving signal when making turns.........they can not DO IT......!!!!!!!!
When they are on the road, Only GOD and themself who knows as to where they want to turn. Ones have to consider to make an automatic signal for their car for other peoples safety.
the best way to drive defensively.
It is true, yaghazali, I've been in cities where the driving is worse (e.g., turning left from the right-hand lane). Riyadh had the worst drivers. I drove there for a year. Cairo driving seemed scary but I only took taxis for a week as a tourist.
Drivers here must practice Mental Telepathy! lol
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
here driving is tough
thats why car from behind must have enough distance from the front car so that if this stupid drivers want to turn left or right (or if he wants to roll) they will not cause problems or accident with u.
Those stupid & idi*ts drivers can not changed anymore so it means that the good drivers should be the one to adjust & give way for them...
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
and to think the police is very strict on giving exams in obtaining license, once u failed to give signal during the road test, your definitely failed ! (that is actually what happened to me huhuhu) But know what, the police who's with us in the exam didn't apply the rule of giving signal for himself. so what is this rule for? is it only for the examinees during the exam?
[img_assist|nid=95014|title=Cooking is Fun|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Takes practice--but believe me, I have been in places where the driving is far wilder.
What I have observed (not just here, but in other cities too) is that people simply lack a sense of responsibility when they get behind the wheel. These selfish, wreckless drivers cannot imagine what the consequences of their actions might be, because they don't want to think too hard and explode their little brains.
Driving is not a right. It is a privilege that can and SHOULD be taken away from those who refuse to exercise restraint and good judgment while on the road.
...asssume that every driver to the front, left, right and rear of your vehicle AND the ones next in line to all of the aforementioned AND the next ones, and so on, ad naseum, are all mentally deficient and will attempt the worst possible maneuvre that one would expect in any given situation, and you might just be starting to get somewhere ..... unless you're in a traffic jam ... which is likely
All things being equal, fat people use more soap
I think most of drivers here don't use the signal when they want to turn because of one on the following reasons:
- To hide thier direction from the enemy (mislead the enemies I mean)
- They think they are in free country they can do what ever they want without permision or warning
- they don't know that there are signal in the cars
Watch the direction of tires instead of the turn signals. That'll help!
(Guys, help me out here! I'm almost at 1000 points so I need more provocative topics to post to!)
thanks aries, im learning a lot about why people dont signal here, cheaper cars hey, why didnt i think of that..damn then we paid to much for our car.
that the reason why, price of cars here is a lot cheaper than others country. it just because there is no turn signal installed...
NAdt, lima..... u r funny..LOL..
Please use your signal both in the driving test and everytime you drive.
and when thy do opt for the optional extra, they put it on and lo and behold, they forget to turn it off!!
lol lima, oh thats what it is....hmm now i get it...
I think they are optional extras here :)
I didnt know that indicators were installed in cars here!!!!
They only use turn signal when they double park, LOL!!!
welcome to Doha =D that's why you should not tailgate and always be alert when driving.
drive safe :)
"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, tolerant of the weak. Someday you will have been all of these."
Dont worry, like r7 said, u'll get used to it. It's like there's a body language for cars :P
welcome to qatar...lol
They are just another driver... and so you...
Live and Die with DIGNITY!
you have to take care of urself here.the drving here is to fast and u can say crazy..better to watch urself..
that is wat you call anticipating wat the other person is gonna do...........and not solely thinking of ones self which is the problem here more often than not its as if they are the only ones on the road
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Once u get used to it u will know what to xpect especially at roundabouts ... U just have to b alert ...
amazing world....
u shud be smart enough to expect the next move
and read others mind .. u don't have to wait until someone tell u where he is going .. although it's wrong but for ur safety try to read others mind
If u can't change ur fate change ur attitude
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SOme people leave on right turn signal so you don't know if an approaching car plans to turn right or go straight.
this is not new for us