"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
One of the reasons why teenagers commit suicide is because they lack self-steem. Either because they feel unloved, ugly or that their lives have no meaning whatsoever. They just look at the mirror and hate the person looking back at them. They look around and hate all the things they have or the things they lack.
I knew a girl, she had 15 and killed herself last year. They found her in her closet, she hung herself. Apparently she had everything, a loving family, her brother is a friend of mine, and he was such a nice brother for her. She had lots of friends who are still mourning her. No one can explain why she did it. The truth is, little can we do to stop someone from comitting suicide.
and resolve than to end you misery by any of the measures. It takes a lot more to be live and kicking than just hanging oneself. And once you are in the 'go' the pain is only momentary.For ex,people who hang themselves,don't do it bcoz they are courageous enough to face the pain but as an act of desperation.They realize the pain only later by which time it's already too late for them to prevent it.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
you cannot be a coward and decide to take your own life...
it takes enormous guts to want to slit your wrist with a razor - imagine the pain, gas yourself in the car/oven - there is always the chance you will want to run, take an overdose of pills being fully aware you might not wake up again... shoot yourself in the head ( you don't even know if it will hurt or not - its gotta hurt), hang yourself... you have to feel something...
Sorry, again I don't believe you are a coward to want to put yourself through that...
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
until you did not experience doing it, u should not even talk about it like u were in their places..why they do it and so on,yes they maybe COWARDS, yes it maybe a very big sin to end up your life, yes maybe some who do it regretted it later in their life....
BUT YOU KNOW THE REAL, TRUE REASONS WHY THEY DO IT???It is always a case to case basis, not evryone has the same reasons some maybe shallow for others to do it some are not, some is because they really can not face another day again with that same heavy burdens, some thinks it will end up their problem.... for whatever...nobody will know, it will always be a hearsay, even they say some are facts...whatever...
is a lack of neurotransmttors (serotonin mainly, dopamine,...) so it is an organic deficiency. antidepressant, raise the levels of those neurotransmittors.
the world's leading country in bipolar disoredr is lebanon with 19% of it's popuilation affedted! (encarta 08)
I feel sorry for those who have lost a loved one to suicide though, because euphoria is often a warning sign, so parents and friends may be tricked into thinking that there child/friend is getting better, when really they've made the decision to kill themselves.
I know that the decision is a long thought one but the 'act' itself is decided in a split second. A person might have all the reasons for committing suicide but there is this moment where the decision to escape prompts the action.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Khalid have you ever thought that they are people dealing with clinical depression or other medical conditions like bi-polar, manic/depression etc and have no control over their emotions?
Winterrain, you're taking a jab at me, but having open communication in schools and with parents about sex and relationships would cut down on suicides, as one of the biggest reasons people kill themselves is over a broken relationship.
FU, I disagree, it's not a split second decision, most people who commit suicide think about it and agonize about it for weeks planning what they are going to do before they finally do it. That's why there are warning signs.
When others are bad, you are angry. When you are bad, you are sad.
That is the craziest and most idiotic thing to do is to commit suicide over love. There are many fishes in the sea , if love doesnt work out with a person then another person will come into their life and will love them even more .
i guess they want to be like Romeo and juliet , but that is absurd
...it's the same for everyone.The loss of one person creates a vaccum which can never be filled.A brother,a Father, a Sister,a Wife everyone goes through the same. Sleepless nights and restless days.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
It takes a lot more to live than to die. I consider them cowards and have always maintained that those people are the worsts of the lot amongst us human beings. Religious aspects aside,people who commit suicide,just die, and leave behind a broken family,loved ones,who have to face the pain all their lives.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I really cant imagine my self commiting suicide even in the worse senareos . i guess i will be numb and sad and wont eat for a long period of time but i wont kill my self coz i will know that i will go to hell and the method of killing my self will be repeated over and over and over and over again.......
...and the pain multiples multifold. Imagine a person with reasons already to prompt him to suicide and then the burden of a failed suicide attempt and the social attitude related with it. It's a terrible situation to be in. Breaking of rope is a possibility.Hence,nylon ropes are considered best.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
We met a girl here in the hospital... who jumped from her building end up paralyzed. Her family left back to Sudan...she is in the hospital for years... her father still works here...but they cannot afford to treat her in Sudan...she was a teenager then...now she is in mid 20's only upper part of her body moves...maybe she is regretting her act everyday!!
Formatted Soul, I dont agree. I used to think it takes a person of immense courage to kill themselves but now I don't. Man, sticking out life and dealing with all the shit every human has to go through - THAT is courage!!
in my post above...All suicide decisions are taken in a fraction of a second and the act is accomplished.If only they get someone/something to get their mind off it...They'll be safe and probably never try again. That's the reason why the suicide helplines add value by saving lives.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
what if the rope brakes and you fall and break ur bones . Like the girl on oprah where she tried to commit suicide by getting run over by a train and didnt succed she has only one leg and a hand to live with for the rest of her life .
A girl in my class hanged herself when she was in 11th std (16 yrs) she was one of the best students in the class...was in the class till 1 pm and got back home and committed suicide at 3 pm... it was just a normal day for her in the school.. still wonder why she did it...:(
on impulse..would not want to take those precautions to avoid pain ;) Suicides happen on an instant decision and if that fraction of a second is avoided the chances are that person might never attempt again.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
By the time a person has made up their mind to commit suicide I think fear of death is gone. I think most of them are just tired and death feels like a relief.
I always wanted to know how does a person feel before commiting suicide , wouldnt they be scared to end their life and what method would they use . The worst method is cutting their wrist dammm i feel that is painful
I think there was a lot less pressure to succeed back in our grandparents days as well. For many university wasn't an option, so there was no pressure to get good grades, schools were also smaller so there was less bullying and peer pressure to be cool.
I'am sure the 'frequency' and 'numbers' would have been far lesser. If you take out the 'modern' reasons which are independent of other reasons ,for example - Exposure to media,then I think it is possible to say that those days were much better off as far as suicides are concerned. I think majority of suicides are due to a perceived feeling of hopelessness rather than fear.
I Will check if there is an Historic statistical data maintained somewhere.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
the religion tells you to do all the good things in the best way and stay away from the bad things as much as you can.
Have a look at these great Hadith by our prophet Muhammed
Hadith - Bukhari 2:445, Narrated Thabit bin Ad-Dahhak
The Prophet said, "Whoever intentionally swears falsely by a religion other than Islam, then he is what he has said, (e.g. if he says, 'If such thing is not true then I am a Jew,' he is really a Jew). And whoever commits suicide with piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in the Hell Fire." Narrated Jundab the Prophet said, "A man was inflicted with wounds and he committed suicide, and so Allah said: My slave has caused death on himself hurriedly, so I forbid Paradise for him."
"Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever."
none amongst you should make a request for death, and do not call for it before it comes, for when any of you dies, he ceases (to do good) deeds and the life of a believer is not prolonged but for goodness.
None of you should make a request for death because of the trouble in which he is involved, but if there is no other help to it, then say: O Allah, keep me alive as long as there is goodness in life for me and bring death to me when there is goodness in death for me.
"Do not wish for death, for the terror of the place whence one looks down is severe. It is part of a man's happiness that his life should be long and Allah Who is Great and Glorious, should supply him with repentance."
Competition and negative exposure contribute a lot to the stress that keeps mounting. Too much sex and voilence in the media has it's own consequences too.
I guess what your saying is right , i am thinking about the olden days our great grandmothers and grandfathers days did poeple commuit suicide in those days . what do you think ?????
In China, Korea and Japan it has more to do with grades, but that isn't parental pressure causing it, it's life pressure. If you don't do well in school there you won't go to the right university and you'll end up being a pizza delivery boy for the rest of your life. Also, in China, Korea and Japan suicide is considered an honorable way out.
get a blame for almost anything that goes wrong with the kid.But IMO that's just one part of the story. None can deny the effect parents have in moulding their children's fututre but then the tendency has lot to do with the changing world itself. Competition and negative exposure contribute a lot to the stress that keeps mounting. Too much sex and voilence in the media has it's own consequences too.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I think lack of parental guidance might be a factor for some, but I think peer pressure and bullying is a faaarrrrr bigger reason. Teenagers have a hard time seeing past high school, and even kids with the best parents get depressed.
rember the boy who commited suicide in the city center was something to do with his grades , some pearnets will torture their child to get good grades . some pearnets are very strict with the child that they will be so scared to commit something wrong , like this incident happened when a girl of seven years old poured ink on the carpet by mistake , then she was so afriad to confront her mother coz she was so strict , she tried to remove the ink with no use so she hanged her self , and wrote a not to her mother saying that she is sorry . Dammm when i heard that story i couldnt stop crying . Fear is the main coz of suicide in my opinion .
After this conversation with Qataria I'am your fan...:)
In response to the OP - Not sure if the teenagers suicide more than others but if it's true; it has to do with the turmoil related with the transition to an adult.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Well suicide is up in general because of the recession...Personally I think teenagers face a lot more pressures these days then in the past, to be popular, skinny, smart,etc. Not all of them can handle the pressure.
They are up 76% in girls aged 10-14, up 32% in girls aged 15-19, and up 9% in boys aged 15-19. It's the biggest spike in 15 years, the CDC's latest teen-suicide statistics show.
"This is a dramatic and huge increase" in pre-teen and teen suicide, Ileana Arias, PhD, director of the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, said at a news conference. "We are seeing this increase in significantly younger Americans than we have seen in the past."
The data cover the year 2004, the latest year for which numbers are available. The CDC collects the information from death certificates. Because coroners and medical examiners don't always have enough information to conclude that a death was a suicide, the actual number of suicides is likely to be higher than the official number.
The new numbers reverse a decade-long downward trend in teen and youth suicide. It's too soon to know whether 2004 was an unusual year, or whether it marks the beginning of an upward trend. But the data suggest disturbing changes.
One disturbing change is the uptick in girls and young women committing suicide. The other disturbing change is that hanging or asphyxiation is becoming much more common -- particularly among 10- to 14-year-old girls.
The rate of suicide by hanging/asphyxiation more than doubled to 68 per 1,000 girls aged 10 to 14. Since 1990, when the CDC began keeping records, this rate was never higher than 35 per 1,000 girls in the same age group.
It's possible that this new trend toward hanging and asphyxiation is linked to a choking game that has recently become popular among schoolchildren.
As its name implies, the "game" usually involves using the hands, rope, or fabric to choke another child until he or she loses consciousness. The payoffs appear to be the brief "high" achieved during the loss and regain of oxygen to the brain, and the amusement derived from seeing a peer become disoriented.
As might be expected, this game has resulted in deaths. However, the CDC does not believe that a significant number of these deaths have been misclassified as suicides. It remains unclear whether the game is linked to the growing acceptability of hanging and asphyxiation as a suicide method.
The surge in teen suicide also coincides with a drop in antidepressant prescriptions for teens. This is due to concerns that the drugs may increase suicide risk for a subset of young people. Some psychiatrists feel this drop in prescribing is behind the surge in teen suicides, but Arias says this isn't the only issue involved.
"It is important to recognize that suicide is a multidimensional and complex problem. As much as we would like to attribute it to a single source, we cannot do that," she said. "So while antidepressant medication may have role in suicidal ideation, it not the only factor."
"It is possible that some subgroups of patients do become worse when given antidepressants, but the larger population benefits," Thomas Laughren, MD, head of the FDA's psychiatric products division, said at the news conference. "It is possible for two different things to be happening at the same time. We will continue to monitor suicide rates and antidepressant prescribing and take whatever regulatory steps are necessary."
According to official statistics, about a million people die by suicide annually, more than those murdered or killed in war.[7] According to 2005 data, suicides in the U.S. outnumber homicides by nearly 2 to 1 and ranks as the 11th leading cause of death in the country, ahead of liver disease and Parkinson's disease.[8] Worldwide suicide rates have increased by 60% in the past 50 years, mainly in the developing countries. Most suicides in the world occur in Asia, which is estimated to account for up to 60% of all suicides. According to the World Health Organization, China, India and Japan may account for 40% of all world suicides.[9] In the United States, for example, the rate of suicide is increasing for the first time in a decade. The increase in the overall suicide rate between 1999 and 2005 has been due primarily to an increase in suicides among whites aged 40–64, with white middle-aged women experiencing the largest annual increase.[10]
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frustration/disappointment at way of life
relationship breakups
sexually abused during childhood
no self-esteem or lack of it
lack of self motivation to proceed in life
drug abuse and associative psychological disorders
being a victim of bullying in school
traumatizing experiences
people who commit suicide cannot be called cowards
because they should have the courage to kill someone else if they have to kill themselves.
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
visit www.qaws.org
One of the reasons why teenagers commit suicide is because they lack self-steem. Either because they feel unloved, ugly or that their lives have no meaning whatsoever. They just look at the mirror and hate the person looking back at them. They look around and hate all the things they have or the things they lack.
I knew a girl, she had 15 and killed herself last year. They found her in her closet, she hung herself. Apparently she had everything, a loving family, her brother is a friend of mine, and he was such a nice brother for her. She had lots of friends who are still mourning her. No one can explain why she did it. The truth is, little can we do to stop someone from comitting suicide.
and resolve than to end you misery by any of the measures. It takes a lot more to be live and kicking than just hanging oneself. And once you are in the 'go' the pain is only momentary.For ex,people who hang themselves,don't do it bcoz they are courageous enough to face the pain but as an act of desperation.They realize the pain only later by which time it's already too late for them to prevent it.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
you cannot be a coward and decide to take your own life...
it takes enormous guts to want to slit your wrist with a razor - imagine the pain, gas yourself in the car/oven - there is always the chance you will want to run, take an overdose of pills being fully aware you might not wake up again... shoot yourself in the head ( you don't even know if it will hurt or not - its gotta hurt), hang yourself... you have to feel something...
Sorry, again I don't believe you are a coward to want to put yourself through that...
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
visit www.qaws.org
Suicidal tendency is like a DISEASE OR SICKNESS...
baldrick i like your thought... it's like to make the world balance as well...
until you did not experience doing it, u should not even talk about it like u were in their places..why they do it and so on,yes they maybe COWARDS, yes it maybe a very big sin to end up your life, yes maybe some who do it regretted it later in their life....
BUT YOU KNOW THE REAL, TRUE REASONS WHY THEY DO IT???It is always a case to case basis, not evryone has the same reasons some maybe shallow for others to do it some are not, some is because they really can not face another day again with that same heavy burdens, some thinks it will end up their problem.... for whatever...nobody will know, it will always be a hearsay, even they say some are facts...whatever...
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commiting suicide of course is easier. it's ur decision ur timing and the way u want it.
the only possible possibility of me commiting a murder is in self defense, or to defend my family and in specific settings.
which is easier commiting suicide or commiting a murder ?
is a lack of neurotransmttors (serotonin mainly, dopamine,...) so it is an organic deficiency. antidepressant, raise the levels of those neurotransmittors.
the world's leading country in bipolar disoredr is lebanon with 19% of it's popuilation affedted! (encarta 08)
...is another sure sign Gypsy and that is one of the stronger warning signs.
Scary to think about.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I feel sorry for those who have lost a loved one to suicide though, because euphoria is often a warning sign, so parents and friends may be tricked into thinking that there child/friend is getting better, when really they've made the decision to kill themselves.
...then warning signs need to be taken seriously to avoid the actual act. Same goes for murder.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Well any act takes a split second, the act of murder only takes a split second. It's the pre-meditation that counts.
I know that the decision is a long thought one but the 'act' itself is decided in a split second. A person might have all the reasons for committing suicide but there is this moment where the decision to escape prompts the action.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Khalid have you ever thought that they are people dealing with clinical depression or other medical conditions like bi-polar, manic/depression etc and have no control over their emotions?
Winterrain, you're taking a jab at me, but having open communication in schools and with parents about sex and relationships would cut down on suicides, as one of the biggest reasons people kill themselves is over a broken relationship.
FU, I disagree, it's not a split second decision, most people who commit suicide think about it and agonize about it for weeks planning what they are going to do before they finally do it. That's why there are warning signs.
Normally young people who are brain washed by fake schoolars.
Also I am sure those who kill them selves have no hope in life.
They are people who can not solve any problem they face.
They are people who are affected by a bad environment in their family.
These are people who do not know what brain is.
These are people like worms which eat or penetrate through the woods.
They are people who have lack of planning.
When others are bad, you are angry. When you are bad, you are sad.
That is the craziest and most idiotic thing to do is to commit suicide over love. There are many fishes in the sea , if love doesnt work out with a person then another person will come into their life and will love them even more .
i guess they want to be like Romeo and juliet , but that is absurd
It's more like being incomplete. "What if..." remains. And a feeling of not being there when needed.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Lot of Guys commit suicide for girls....but its rare to hear of a girl who would do such thing for a guy.
I guess your right , how would they feel angry or sad . angry coz of the way they ended their life or sad coz they lost someone special to them .
Khalid the Tiger....read it yourself. PS MODS why cant you just ban himmmmmm?
...it's the same for everyone.The loss of one person creates a vaccum which can never be filled.A brother,a Father, a Sister,a Wife everyone goes through the same. Sleepless nights and restless days.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I guess your right , what really sadness me is how will the mother react in this situation . its heart braking . it truely is
guys please read my earlier comment
It takes a lot more to live than to die. I consider them cowards and have always maintained that those people are the worsts of the lot amongst us human beings. Religious aspects aside,people who commit suicide,just die, and leave behind a broken family,loved ones,who have to face the pain all their lives.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
I really cant imagine my self commiting suicide even in the worse senareos . i guess i will be numb and sad and wont eat for a long period of time but i wont kill my self coz i will know that i will go to hell and the method of killing my self will be repeated over and over and over and over again.......
...and the pain multiples multifold. Imagine a person with reasons already to prompt him to suicide and then the burden of a failed suicide attempt and the social attitude related with it. It's a terrible situation to be in. Breaking of rope is a possibility.Hence,nylon ropes are considered best.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
We met a girl here in the hospital... who jumped from her building end up paralyzed. Her family left back to Sudan...she is in the hospital for years... her father still works here...but they cannot afford to treat her in Sudan...she was a teenager then...now she is in mid 20's only upper part of her body moves...maybe she is regretting her act everyday!!
NO ! Its just the opposite..
Any one can die.. its simple.. but u really need the courage to LIVE !
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
Formatted Soul, I dont agree. I used to think it takes a person of immense courage to kill themselves but now I don't. Man, sticking out life and dealing with all the shit every human has to go through - THAT is courage!!
in my post above...All suicide decisions are taken in a fraction of a second and the act is accomplished.If only they get someone/something to get their mind off it...They'll be safe and probably never try again. That's the reason why the suicide helplines add value by saving lives.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Whateve...it needs more courage to die than to live..
what if the rope brakes and you fall and break ur bones . Like the girl on oprah where she tried to commit suicide by getting run over by a train and didnt succed she has only one leg and a hand to live with for the rest of her life .
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
A girl in my class hanged herself when she was in 11th std (16 yrs) she was one of the best students in the class...was in the class till 1 pm and got back home and committed suicide at 3 pm... it was just a normal day for her in the school.. still wonder why she did it...:(
I bet all those who've committed suicide wish they hadn't!
which date?
but make sure that unconsciousness comes before pangs of death. Otherwise it's not a good idea.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
yeah i agree with you that would be the best
i agree with gypsy....
yes, i also think, popping a bunch of pills.
..b ut it's messy.But the advantage is - It's virtually painless as compared to some other means like drowning.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Specially if it's of the pain killer variety.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
now, gypsy will start telling 'open communication' about sex.... :)
i guess brits is bold already if he stuck his head in the oven . hehehehehe :P
Frankly I think popping a bunch of pills would be easiest.
on impulse..would not want to take those precautions to avoid pain ;) Suicides happen on an instant decision and if that fraction of a second is avoided the chances are that person might never attempt again.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
i factor is that parents do not keep communications open with their children.
I herd they put their hands in cold ice then it becomes numb they then cut their wrists .. ouch that is painful
...specially if you put your hands in a tub full of hot water. Believe me ,I know it. Btw,why was your question directed at Gypsy alone?? lol
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
adrenaline probably Qataria
Its one of the easiest ways... you just lie down, allow the blood to seep out and gently float away..
In my teens i got depressed and stuck my head in the oven... It was electric :(
By the time a person has made up their mind to commit suicide I think fear of death is gone. I think most of them are just tired and death feels like a relief.
I always wanted to know how does a person feel before commiting suicide , wouldnt they be scared to end their life and what method would they use . The worst method is cutting their wrist dammm i feel that is painful
I think there was a lot less pressure to succeed back in our grandparents days as well. For many university wasn't an option, so there was no pressure to get good grades, schools were also smaller so there was less bullying and peer pressure to be cool.
I'am sure the 'frequency' and 'numbers' would have been far lesser. If you take out the 'modern' reasons which are independent of other reasons ,for example - Exposure to media,then I think it is possible to say that those days were much better off as far as suicides are concerned. I think majority of suicides are due to a perceived feeling of hopelessness rather than fear.
I Will check if there is an Historic statistical data maintained somewhere.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
the reasons significantly varies amoung east, west and far east ...
Khalid, most of these kids in the US wouldn't be Muslim.
exclude china from the list.
Peer pressure, problems at school, feeling of inadequacy, abuse, substance abuse , breakups with BF/GF and ofcourse breakup of parents.
They do not understand the religion.
the religion tells you to do all the good things in the best way and stay away from the bad things as much as you can.
Have a look at these great Hadith by our prophet Muhammed
Hadith - Bukhari 2:445, Narrated Thabit bin Ad-Dahhak
The Prophet said, "Whoever intentionally swears falsely by a religion other than Islam, then he is what he has said, (e.g. if he says, 'If such thing is not true then I am a Jew,' he is really a Jew). And whoever commits suicide with piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in the Hell Fire." Narrated Jundab the Prophet said, "A man was inflicted with wounds and he committed suicide, and so Allah said: My slave has caused death on himself hurriedly, so I forbid Paradise for him."
"Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills himself, will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding therein perpetually forever; and whoever drinks poison and kills himself with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever; and whoever kills himself with an iron weapon, will be carrying that weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell) Fire wherein he will abide eternally forever."
none amongst you should make a request for death, and do not call for it before it comes, for when any of you dies, he ceases (to do good) deeds and the life of a believer is not prolonged but for goodness.
None of you should make a request for death because of the trouble in which he is involved, but if there is no other help to it, then say: O Allah, keep me alive as long as there is goodness in life for me and bring death to me when there is goodness in death for me.
"Do not wish for death, for the terror of the place whence one looks down is severe. It is part of a man's happiness that his life should be long and Allah Who is Great and Glorious, should supply him with repentance."
Of course they did. People have always committed suicide.
Competition and negative exposure contribute a lot to the stress that keeps mounting. Too much sex and voilence in the media has it's own consequences too.
I guess what your saying is right , i am thinking about the olden days our great grandmothers and grandfathers days did poeple commuit suicide in those days . what do you think ?????
hollywood and bollywood?
In China, Korea and Japan it has more to do with grades, but that isn't parental pressure causing it, it's life pressure. If you don't do well in school there you won't go to the right university and you'll end up being a pizza delivery boy for the rest of your life. Also, in China, Korea and Japan suicide is considered an honorable way out.
get a blame for almost anything that goes wrong with the kid.But IMO that's just one part of the story. None can deny the effect parents have in moulding their children's fututre but then the tendency has lot to do with the changing world itself. Competition and negative exposure contribute a lot to the stress that keeps mounting. Too much sex and voilence in the media has it's own consequences too.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
peer pressure is less than other reasons.....
I think lack of parental guidance might be a factor for some, but I think peer pressure and bullying is a faaarrrrr bigger reason. Teenagers have a hard time seeing past high school, and even kids with the best parents get depressed.
rember the boy who commited suicide in the city center was something to do with his grades , some pearnets will torture their child to get good grades . some pearnets are very strict with the child that they will be so scared to commit something wrong , like this incident happened when a girl of seven years old poured ink on the carpet by mistake , then she was so afriad to confront her mother coz she was so strict , she tried to remove the ink with no use so she hanged her self , and wrote a not to her mother saying that she is sorry . Dammm when i heard that story i couldnt stop crying . Fear is the main coz of suicide in my opinion .
dont have control, to some extent and upto certain age, on their children,
and if parents fail to creat a personality on child's mind...
ultimately, these two things, if parents lack, will start creating issues on children...
you want to know, still, gypsy, how?
think deeper my fair lady....
Lack of Parental interest in Kids is just one factor
- Competition for good grades in school
- Broken family/step parents..siblings
- Relationship breakups
- Increased violence in the media
- Sexual abuse
When they don’t know whom to approach with their problems they end up in suicide.. Proper counseling and parental guidance can be of great help..
ofcourse not !
It's not like you wrote some epiphany winterrain.
and to modify, if any.
We all can do our own research and thinking.So what's the point of posting on a forum ;)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
fu, i want someone to think at least the time i wud take to write... its worth, trust me.
How can I be convinced by one sentence.
What response is that???!!
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
think deeper... and if still not convinced, tell me, i will try to write ...
parents should be blamed a huge part.
After this conversation with Qataria I'am your fan...:)
In response to the OP - Not sure if the teenagers suicide more than others but if it's true; it has to do with the turmoil related with the transition to an adult.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Mother Nature weeding out the weak.
Oh i thought so :P
Well suicide is up in general because of the recession...Personally I think teenagers face a lot more pressures these days then in the past, to be popular, skinny, smart,etc. Not all of them can handle the pressure.
whos parents ???
because most of them have parents related with each other that's why there brains are abnormal plus they are surrounded by morons
They are up 76% in girls aged 10-14, up 32% in girls aged 15-19, and up 9% in boys aged 15-19. It's the biggest spike in 15 years, the CDC's latest teen-suicide statistics show.
"This is a dramatic and huge increase" in pre-teen and teen suicide, Ileana Arias, PhD, director of the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, said at a news conference. "We are seeing this increase in significantly younger Americans than we have seen in the past."
The data cover the year 2004, the latest year for which numbers are available. The CDC collects the information from death certificates. Because coroners and medical examiners don't always have enough information to conclude that a death was a suicide, the actual number of suicides is likely to be higher than the official number.
The new numbers reverse a decade-long downward trend in teen and youth suicide. It's too soon to know whether 2004 was an unusual year, or whether it marks the beginning of an upward trend. But the data suggest disturbing changes.
One disturbing change is the uptick in girls and young women committing suicide. The other disturbing change is that hanging or asphyxiation is becoming much more common -- particularly among 10- to 14-year-old girls.
The rate of suicide by hanging/asphyxiation more than doubled to 68 per 1,000 girls aged 10 to 14. Since 1990, when the CDC began keeping records, this rate was never higher than 35 per 1,000 girls in the same age group.
It's possible that this new trend toward hanging and asphyxiation is linked to a choking game that has recently become popular among schoolchildren.
As its name implies, the "game" usually involves using the hands, rope, or fabric to choke another child until he or she loses consciousness. The payoffs appear to be the brief "high" achieved during the loss and regain of oxygen to the brain, and the amusement derived from seeing a peer become disoriented.
As might be expected, this game has resulted in deaths. However, the CDC does not believe that a significant number of these deaths have been misclassified as suicides. It remains unclear whether the game is linked to the growing acceptability of hanging and asphyxiation as a suicide method.
The surge in teen suicide also coincides with a drop in antidepressant prescriptions for teens. This is due to concerns that the drugs may increase suicide risk for a subset of young people. Some psychiatrists feel this drop in prescribing is behind the surge in teen suicides, but Arias says this isn't the only issue involved.
"It is important to recognize that suicide is a multidimensional and complex problem. As much as we would like to attribute it to a single source, we cannot do that," she said. "So while antidepressant medication may have role in suicidal ideation, it not the only factor."
"It is possible that some subgroups of patients do become worse when given antidepressants, but the larger population benefits," Thomas Laughren, MD, head of the FDA's psychiatric products division, said at the news conference. "It is possible for two different things to be happening at the same time. We will continue to monitor suicide rates and antidepressant prescribing and take whatever regulatory steps are necessary."
According to official statistics, about a million people die by suicide annually, more than those murdered or killed in war.[7] According to 2005 data, suicides in the U.S. outnumber homicides by nearly 2 to 1 and ranks as the 11th leading cause of death in the country, ahead of liver disease and Parkinson's disease.[8] Worldwide suicide rates have increased by 60% in the past 50 years, mainly in the developing countries. Most suicides in the world occur in Asia, which is estimated to account for up to 60% of all suicides. According to the World Health Organization, China, India and Japan may account for 40% of all world suicides.[9] In the United States, for example, the rate of suicide is increasing for the first time in a decade. The increase in the overall suicide rate between 1999 and 2005 has been due primarily to an increase in suicides among whites aged 40–64, with white middle-aged women experiencing the largest annual increase.[10]
Some are born with suicidal syndrome.
again, Shajiv, based on which far reaching survey?
Says who???????
For small small small setbacks, teenagers tends to end their life. They need good counseling to regain the confidence within them.
Is this based on any factual information or just your personal opinion?