Run away house maid
By Sukie Russo •
My dear house help run away with her boyfriend. What are the legal formalities in this event? Should i report it to the police the same day she runaway? I tried to tell her that ill give her release so she can get married atleast, but maybe shes too scared ill send her right away to jail and so she chooses to run away. Right now, I just want to abide by the law and go on with my life.
I agree that there are always different sides of the story...but at least give the involved parties the benefit of the doubt.
I wish I could ask the nationality of the runaway help...but that would lead to racial bashing. 'dont want to be the one opening a can of worms, so to speak. :(
is the true reason why she run away? or u just neglect her the way other do to their poor housemaid....? do u think u didnt do anything wrong thats why she run away? do u treat her good?
anyway...its better to report her in the immigration so if theres something happen to that girl the agency wouldn't blame you....
Well hope you have a story to tell the cops. More often then not they run away because they are overworked and people like you abuse them and dont pay their salaries on time. You are certainly partly or fully to blame
Wished your comments were true,but the facts about 'employment on a civilised note' i knew of a case, where i could hear shrieks every night from a neighbours house, and the following day seen bruise marks on the maid. I thought at first it may have been an accident then this went on subsequent days as well. Tried approaching the maid and the neighbour as to what is going on as a concerned neighbour, but to my shock I was told 'what business i have in their internal affair', furthermore told that i could face the law , if i did mention this issue, but that was long ago, now I seen advertisment that we can approach NHRC and report such issues, they will conduct a fair investigation.
same same story..
Yep, I agree. Hit the police station as soon as possible to protect yourself. Why the hell don't some of these maids just tell their employers that they would like to give a months' notice and will help them find a new maid? Employment CAN end on a civilised note between employer and employee. It happens all the time.
Dear Sukie,
Did she get abused physically or mentally abused by any members of the house hold or by the neighbours. you may also contact NHRC (National Human Rights commission) and check her wherabouts.
dont get me wrong, your version of the story may be right based on some evidence you may have, but there is always a but, and knowing the human right violation taking place around here that could be a place she may seek refuge there too.
Your reporting her running away is to protect yourself, especially if she's under your sponsorship. Anything that would happen to her or whatever she do, it's your responsibility.
If you have a copy of her passport, go to her embassy and report her. At least her country's embassy here in Qatar will be able to assist her in case she wanted to go home.
Oh dear, i tried to advice her. I hope i wont caught up with her mess in case she do gets arrested. Besides the trouble she cause me the last thing i would want is to involve in her faulty decision. I wonder how they will survive together, from what i know her BF is only a construction worker. Well thanks for all the response, this is the first time that it happened to me so im not actually familiar with it. Ill do as you guys advised.
chevroletaveo .. her coming back is not the problem, if OP's maid ever gets caught doing something wrong in Qatar then OP will be questioned as her sponsors.
To the topic:
I dont know much about the whole process, but first thing you should do is report her missing/absconding to your nearest police station and then follow their instructions.
but this time dont let her in
She cant exit without exit permitt,,dont worry she will come back to you one day...