Man fails school exams on 38th try
Now how about htis for persistence, perseverance or just plain obstinence?
A 73-year-old Indian farmer who vowed not to marry before passing his high school exams has failed to get through for the 38th time.
I hope that he will pass the exam in 39th time.Best of luck old man
try try again.Nothing is impossible.And try to marry with one heroin.
Good luck, he sure does need it LOL
Good reply gypsy gal..I support you...
He should give up now. What a future!
knowing my bloody luck he will somehow end up in my class soon.
age is not important as long as he has 11 toes he will fit in nicely.
seems to fit the average profile
He dont know that married life is more though than passing the exam....and 73 yr old man want to marry someone less than 30...crazy man.. let him be single till his death...I wish he don't pass the exam..atleast one young lady will be
i am currently in the usa. I am leaving in a couple of days for Doha.
I am trying to find someone that has a phone directory.
I went to college a few years ago with a guy that was a citizen of doha dn has moved back. i have lost his number.
His name is Addullatif khalid almana..
if u have a book can u please see if u cna find it
\thanks teresa
also, i need some sccop on wehre to go and not go. i heard there was alot of gay bars there and alot of hookers. i sure dont wan to go there.
tfrosty ... i did not get anything. Are u sure you sending it to me?
sent u a private message can u please check it.
thanks teresa
never give up eh?