Hey Guys, Don't post ur CV on classified sites. Today i shocked once i saw my CV and experience everything copy pasted on someone's CV. Omg this is so terrible we can assume what will happen when the employer check this both CV. probably he will ignore both applicant. I think this is a serious matter everyone should consider b4 going to post therie CV on a classified site. keep your unique quality of ur CV and never let it to be a public resume sample.
Truth will prevail in the interview...
lolz... this is a new one.... !! :)
maybe the OTHER person also did the same courses and have the same experiences..??? :P
hmm by using pdf format still other one can read and write the same words in their CV' its better not to post CV's on classifield..upon request is better
It's upto the Human Resources to determine whether the credentials and experience quoted on the C.V are accurate or not. They can't really copy paste your certificates and references right? Chill.
LP, I know that, but if the PDF is a picture (tif) it is a little more difficult than just C+P from Word :o)
Why not edit the PDF itself? Nitro PDF Editor Pro can perform it miraculously!
I agree, It should be sent upon request. This is really serious and CVs are personal informations. You might become a victim of Stolen Identity. Be careful!
baldrick, you can convert pdf to docx and then edit it. Use Able2Extract Professional, it will do the job.
you showed the way. Others followed you. Word for word :)
That's why it should only be sent upon request.
Post it as PDF!