data flow application
By doc_ingrid •
hi can somebody help me how to process my dataflow's my questions.
1. can i fill up in handwritten form?
2. can i pay in US Dollars, if yes how much?
3. can i send it together with the evaluation form for SCH?
thanks i'm here in the philippines and i have no clue what to do,neither the agency who hired me...please help...
hi...anybody can answer me...the licensing procedure of a nurse in qatar as i resigned from HMC 2 yrs would like to get license
hi...anybody can answer me...the licensing procedure of a nurse in qatar as i resigned from HMC 2 yrs would like to get license
hi...anybody can answer me...the licensing procedure of a nurse in qatar as i resigned from HMC 2 yrs would like to get license
hi :i just ask what the Requirements for data flow am new Graduate and i do the prometric exam.
hi..have you already obtained your evaluation certificate?i already have my verifiation result,now i need evaluation certificate.the lady told me to go online..but she did not give me details what to do next..please help me..thanks
Hi.. Im also a filipino nurse... certificate of good standing cannot be handheld or it should not come from us.. it should come directly from PRC. and PRC will send it to the address provided in Evaluation Requirement number 7.. so the red ribbon of cert. of good standing thats with you is not acceptable.. yah,, it is handwritten..
are you from the phils? i paid 600qr.i dont know how much is for your proffesion.
since i am a dentist i should pay qr800 right? i'll just have it converted at the bank?
i follow the instruction i did it with typewriter.
guys you didnt answer my question, is handwritten form ok?
yep you are right just only 2weeks my papers under processing i am praying so hard for it to have a good results.
so far I have been going through this process for 10 months ... thankfully its my employers that are doing the paperwork but it is a 'don't hold your breath' situation!
correction hehehe "fees" not fess
dataflow fess 600 riyals
evaluation 100 riyals
letter of potential employer is required when you apply for evaluation.
data flow is the first step processing of your papers. evaluation is the 2nd step processing of your documents. certificate of good standing is the prc record indicating that you are practicing your degree w/o any negative record. to be send by prc directly from their office. dataflow it takes time before you reciv the results. i myself is still waiting for the positive results, according to some people that i meet in sch they are conducting verification through phone if youre documents is authentic ang original.last five years experienced is also required.
i got my certificate at PRC and had it could do it all inside PRC..since you are in qatar already, if you have relatives here in manila they could do it for you, just provide them your authorization letter and valid ID..hope you could give update on your application...thanks so much for your time..
hi, i am also processing my application and i am currently here in qatar with my husband,,,tomorrow we will be visit to sch personally to ask few questions.
i tried to type my details in the form but then when i printed it out the details does not appeared and maybe we can have the form handwritten, we will be paying in qatar riyal so maybe dollars will also do,i believe the first form we will be submitting will be the evaluation form. i want to give you absolute answers to your questions but then i also have no idea how it will be done,maybe next time. hope it can help.
i also have questions which i think you knew, do you know where we can get the certificate of good standing?how?tnx