Car rental prices in Doha
Looking to rent some cars long-term (at least 6 months) from a reputable rental company in Doha.
Currently our company is using Al Muftah and I can't believe how they tout their ISO certification given the poor service and lack of coordination they offer.
Looking for Honda Civic, Mazda 3, Chevy Optra, etc. type sedan/saloon cars.
What's your company and what is your pricing for these types of rentals?
here is the number for Alrayyan
The guy's name is Balan. Always negotiate the price.
Thanks for the Q-Tel advice, but I actually tried them before asking here. However, the number that I got from Q-Tel was not good. Al Rayyan is not in any of the directories, such as Marhaba, that I have access to.
I see you have moved from the Vatican City to the British Virgin Islands. What gives brother?
Q-tel customer service, could help you better.
The X-MEN are ready. The questions is: Are you really ready to do, what is right , when the time comes?
I searched the forums for rental cars, because I need to rent one, and found reference to Al Rayyan. Does anybody have a phone number for them?
and i thought i had a good deal, i am switching to alrayyan at the end of the month.
I always tell the truth, even when I lie
For cars like Sunny, Lancer etc the price range would be between QR1500 and QR1800 depending on the agency.
I rented a Nissan sunny 2006 (automatic) for 1500 QR per month from Alrayyan rent a car.
I had no problems with them, they used to pick me up from airport, drive the car to the hotel (when I didn't have a house yet)
They usually ask for 1600 or 1650
i rented a 2005 honda civic in good condition for 1800 p/m which is good i think, they are called city service rent a car, and you can find them in the gulf-times
I always tell the truth, even when I lie
Al Muftah is much better than the so called international car rental agencies anyway.