Can you survive 1 month without hi-tech stuff
Its crazy how life nowadays is driven with internet, TV and computer games. Back in the day, everyone used candles for light, a farm to eat and the simple things in life where a day is cherish more than today.
i dont know if i could lived a day without touching the internet going through facebook or texting someone through by cell phone. Can you do it?
i plan to experience this with my bf, in an island.
totally disconnected.
yes i think so, u see before those gadgets are invited people can still live normal life...
It just that were now living in the world of technology thats why some people see it so hard..
But for me it still YES...
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
I did it for over a month... I was doing some research in University for a professor in the middle of no where. No AC, no computers, no phones, no TV's. It was about 105 F everyday...but I had a blast!
tra la la
Well if there's another way to communicate, I think I'll survive lol. Actually no, I dont think so, how will I play call of duty 4 and I'll be jobless :O
Una palabra no dice nada, Y al mismo tiempo, Lo esconde todo - Outlandish