Facts about Islam - Questions And Answers

By Mofathi

I attached herewith a very good modern book talks covers almost all the questions about Islam, specially from non-muslims.
It also disprove all the fabrications and lies about the religion of Islam.
Hope this boook is useful for you all.

"HE grants wisdom to whom HE pleases, and whoever is granted wisdom has indeed been granted abundant good; and none would take heed except those endowed with understanding"
Holy Quran 2-269

By Shuaibkazi• 2 Jan 2008 00:33

Eco savvy ur right about the Hadith

It prescribes the death penalty for all times on a sextual act by a married person outside his marriage

But the apostasy law was as i mentioned before didnt concern the peaceful disembarkation from the faith. For further proof there is a Surah in the Quran which says

Whoever kills a person without his being guilty of murder or of creating unrest in the land, is as though he kills the whole of mankind. (Al-Maaidah 5: 32)

The killing is allowed for someone who creates unrest in the world, like the terrorists

What i am trying to say is that some people apply verbatim the rulings, which is not correct

The hadith which Eco savvy mentions was applicable to the pagan Quraish who were at war with the Muslims and wanted to annihilate them because of their faith. If a person from Quraish who left Islam after accepting it or wasnt a Muslim altogether, was eventually the other sides ally and wud fight the Muslims in the future.

People have to understand that Quran was meant as a law giver till the end of time whereas the application of the Hadiths (Prophets Guidance) maybe applicable for all time or for a particular time period depending upon the situation it was given in.

But as i said before the Law for killing a person who commits any sextual act even though he is married is death and if it doesnt go with laws of the EU, so be it

Saying that a particular punishment is too barbaric or otherwise, is basically giving a value judgment about that punishment. And if anyone remembers his fathers outlook on lifes values will understand that manmade values keep on changing with time.


By the_hippo• 1 Jan 2008 13:46

So having sex outside marriage is punishable by death, as well as apostasy! How does this fit in with the E.U. recently banning the death penalty throughout all member states?

Maybe there isn't anything in the Quran about putting apostates to death, but the hadith quoted by Eco-savvy seems to leave no room for doubt.

By anonymous• 1 Jan 2008 09:14


Traditional Islamic law prescribes the penalty of death for a Muslim who commits apostasy. The punishment is not stated in the Quran, but is said to be based on Hadith

"Narrated Abdullah: Allah's Messenger said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Messenger, cannot be shed except in three cases: in Qisas (equality in punishment) for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (Apostate) and leaves the Muslims." Bukhari, volume 9, #17

By Shuaibkazi• 30 Dec 2007 08:25

I guess Wikipedia isnt going to be hundred percent accurate all the time, try doing your own research some times Hippo


By Shuaibkazi• 30 Dec 2007 08:24

The Apostasy which is penalized by death by the four scholars is not the peaceful one but rather the state by which the person declares rebellion to the religion of one God as the case was then for the people who were put to death.

For further proof i will let you know that a person who had travelled with the prophet to Abysinnia or Ethiopia accepted christianity and he was allowed to do so. Infact he didnt even need any allowance.


By the_hippo• 28 Dec 2007 17:18

The Wikipedia article I quoted earlier contained this sentence:

"All five major schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree that a sane male apostate must be executed."

Now could someone please explain to me whether or not this means that all Muslims have a duty to kill those who reject Islam in favour of another religion? Or is the Wikipedia article inaccurate and untruthful on this point? Or do the majority of peaceful and liberal Muslims simply ignore the decrees of Islamic law?

By Shuaibkazi• 22 Dec 2007 13:56


I surely didnt mean it

Please read in what context i meant it

Infact what i meant was exactly the opposite.

that the views of the different sects of the same religion still reflect on the views of the religion itself.


By SPEED• 22 Dec 2007 10:41

( i say this because you do not see the Sunnis and shias as seperate religions so why should anyone belongong to a christian sect, who follows the new or the old testament be regarded as such)

Do you mean to say Sunni and Shia are separate religions ?


By Shuaibkazi• 22 Dec 2007 10:09

Islam is very easy, we have

a. The Quran - The word of God

b. The Hadiths - The words, deeds of the prophet, and what the prophet told us to do.

But the problem occurs when people interpret words from the Quran or the hadith without taking the actual context in which it was ordained. Intelligence is not an issue here.

and you are right that people try to manipulate not only muslims, christians jews or any other religion by their interpretations of the truth. Just for their own agendas


By jauntie• 22 Dec 2007 01:13

.... and I haven't read ALL the way through this page, but enough to get the feel of it ... the problem is that some 'followers' aren't as intelligent as you are.

And they are the ones who believe it is written that they should kill their brother if he leaves Islam.

Those people aren't making 'reason' out of the words of the Quran, anymore than people didn't understand that parables in the Bible were meant as a guideline for how to live a good life and not hurt others in the process.

God knows there are millions of people on this earth who want to follow a good and SANE life, but they are being interrupted in their wish to do so by the minority who want to manipulate others to gain their own demigod status.

I happen to believe that all religions came about as some sort of Social Control, put in place by those who could see people had no 'social behaviour' rules to guide them, and society was chaotic (cave man behaviour etc) Nothing like a bolt of lightning to put the fear (of God) into early mankind.

Maybe it was necessary - probably still is, in a way - however we as humans are far more advanced now and .....

Hang on .. I think you may have a point here . Are we heading for another Sodom and Gomorrah situation?


Oh shyt! I hope not - I haven't packed a suitcase.


By Shuaibkazi• 22 Dec 2007 00:45
Rating: 3/5


Once again i wud like you to go to the source (Quran or the Bible) and not take peoples reactions as examples

Many muslim converts are tolerated likewise in some neutral countries.

I have friends whose sisters have married christians

Deutronomy is a part of the old testament and very much a part of christianity whether we like it or not ( i say this because you do not see the Sunnis and shias as seperate religions so why should anyone belongong to a christian sect, who follows the new or the old testament be regarded as such)


By Shuaibkazi• 22 Dec 2007 00:43

Quran 2 : 217.

English Translation (The Noble Qur'an)

"They question thee (O Muhammad) with regard to warfare in the sacred month. Say: Warfare therein is a great (transgression), but to turn (men) from the way of Allah, and to disbelieve in Him and in the Inviolable Place of Worship, and to expel his people thence, is a greater sin with Allah; for persecution is worse than killing."

"And they will not cease from fighting against you till they have made you renegades from your religion, if they can. And whoso becometh a renegade and dieth in his disbelief: such are they whose works have fallen both in the world and the Hereafter. Such are rightful owners of the Fire: they will abide there in."

Where does it say that killing is allowed??

Get a quran with english interpretation and research the paras which make you feel uneasy about islam.

It will be more helpful in understanding Islam better


By Shuaibkazi• 22 Dec 2007 00:23

Now coming to apostasy in Islam

What wud you do if you are at war with China and suddenly a fellow warrior takes the citizenship of China

Can he be trusted to stay neutral and not fight you eventhough his country forces him to do so.

The verses which are generalised by some misinformed people were restricted to the times up to which the Muslims were at war with the opposing Tribes.

It was either be a muslim or be killed because in the future confrontation the same person who wud be pardoned to leave the muslim society cud be fighting you in the coming days!


By the_hippo• 20 Dec 2007 19:38

Here is a long quotation from Wikipedia on the subject of apostasy in Islam.

Apostasy in Islam (Arabic: ارتداد, irtidād or ridda) is commonly defined as the rejection of Islam in word or deed by a person who has been a Muslim.

All five major schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree that a sane male apostate must be executed.[1] A female apostate may be put to death, according to some schools, or imprisoned, according to others. The Islamic laws governing apostasy are derived from the traditions (ahadith). According to Wael Hallaq nothing of the apostasy law are derived from the Qur'an, [2] although the jurist Al-Shafi'i interpreted the Quranic verse [Qur'an 2:217] as providing the main evidence for apostasy being a capital crime in Islam.[3]

Some contemporary Shi'a jurists, scholars, writers and Islamic sects have argued or issued fatwas that either the changing of religion is not punishable or is only punishable under restricted circumstances, but these minority opinions have not found broad acceptance among Islamic scholars.


Well, I think that this makes it pretty clear that anyone who decides to leave Islam and convert to another religion may well be murdered (or "executed", depending on your viewpoint.)

As for Christians who decide to become Muslims, I have several colleagues (at the school where I am currently teaaching in Doha) who converted to Islam while they were living in England. To the best of my knowledge, no Christians have attacked them or tried to kill them.

Yes, there is an injunction to kill apostates from the Jewish faith in the Book of Deuteronomy. I do not see how this applies to Christians and I cannot find any similar statements in the New Testament. Jesus told his followers to pray for their enemies and to forgive those who persecute them. Christians have not always been keen to follow Jesus' teaching on this point - that's why we had the Crusades - but I think that it would be true to say that the vast majority of Christians today would say that it is wrong to kill someone for their religious beliefs. It seems to me that many Muslims would not agree and would say that apostates from Islam should be killed.

By Shuaibkazi• 15 Dec 2007 03:20

Once again a kaffir is someone who is not a believer in one god and his messenger - i fail to understand how is that derogatory

And please dont take instances of what individual families do in certain circumstances, iknow of many such circumstances too which work otherwise - Go to the source ( i mean the Quran or the Bible in the case of christianity)

Apostacy in different religions

1. Christianity =

Deuteronomy 13:6-10:

If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which [is] as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; [Namely], of the gods of the people which [are] round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the [one] end of the earth even unto the [other] end of the earth; Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.[17]

2. In Islam =

The Qur'an says:

Let there be no compulsion in the religion: Clearly the Right Path (i.e. Islam) is distinct from the crooked path.

—Qur'an, [Qur'an 2:256]

A section of the 'People of the Book' (Jews and Christians) says: "Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).

—Qur'an, [Qur'an 3:72]

But those who reject faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of faith, never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray.

—Qur'an, [Qur'an 3:90]

Those who blasphemed and back away from the ways of Allah and die as blasphemers, Allah shall not forgive them.

—Qur'an, [Qur'an 4:48]

Those who believe, then reject faith, then believe (again) and (again) reject faith, and go on increasing in unbelief,- Allah will not forgive them nor guide them on the way.

—Qur'an, [Qur'an 4:137]

O ye who believe! If any from among you turn back from his faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He (Allah) will love as they will love Him lowly with the believers, Mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproachers of such as find fault. That is the Grace of Allah which He will bestow on whom He (Allah) pleases. And Allah encompasses all, and He knows all things.

—Qur'an, [Qur'an 5:54]

None of the passages (concerning apostasy) of the Quran state the capital punishment of death for apostates. And by the way Jews amd christians are seen as book brothers as per the Quran and there is an instance in the Quran where the Muslims rejoice when the christian army defeats the Pagan persians.


By anonymous• 13 Dec 2007 11:25

Please don't try and deny that apostasy (converting)is a capital crime in most shariah law countries.

By the_hippo• 12 Dec 2007 19:41

This is part of a long article about Muslim apostates who convert to Christianity.

Alasdair Palmer explores the dangers facing Islam's apostates

When Sofia Allam left the Muslim faith for Christianity, the response from her family was one of persecution and threats. Sofia Allam simply could not believe it. Her kind, loving father was sitting in front of her threatening to kill her. He said she had brought shame and humiliation on him, that she was now "worse than the muck on their shoes" and she deserved to die.

And what had brought on his transformation? He had discovered that she had left the Muslim faith in which he had raised her and become a Christian.

"He said he couldn't have me in the house now that I was a Kaffir [an insulting term for a non-Muslim]," Sofia - not her real name - remembers.

"He said I was damned for ever. He insulted me horribly. I couldn't recognise that man as the father who had been so kind to me as I was growing up.

"My mother's transformation was even worse. She constantly beat me about the head. She screamed at me all the time. I remember saying to them, as they were shouting death threats, 'Mum, Dad - you're saying you should kill me… but I'm your daughter! Don't you realise that?'?"

They did not: they insisted they wanted her out of their house.

By Shuaibkazi• 28 Nov 2007 00:18

Alpha just to summarize

what waging a war against God means?

It means waring against those who are creating mischeif on earth

this includes the Murderers

the rapists

the theives

the traitors of the nation

Yes i believe waging war does invlove killing sometimes also

But if a person is a murderer or a rapist i dont see the harm

Good riddance!

I dont want to turn the other cheek for the bad guy and ask him to screw me allover again

By Alphabattle• 27 Nov 2007 20:26

What about (for example) Surah 5:33?

Which reads, "The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides"

Does that not involve killing people?

By knoxcollege• 26 Nov 2007 21:16

Whatever differences I have with you, The preaching of Islam is a very noble act, indeed it is and Allah Almighty will reward you for spreading the light of wisdom and faith (Amen)

By anonymous• 26 Nov 2007 20:57

thnx for informing


Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

Talha (1988-20??)


Qatar Football group


By Shuaibkazi• 26 Nov 2007 20:52

alpha battle it is not any ones responsibility to kill anyone

By Alphabattle• 26 Nov 2007 03:17

Mofathi ... are you saying though, that it is acceptable for the responsible manager (the ruler) of Muslims to kill a muslim if they decide to convert to Christianity?

By Mofathi• 23 Nov 2007 06:10

Dear Hippo,

For sorrow most of the Muslims nowadays don't know about Islam and its Sharia. As the prophet Mohamed (PBUH) mentioned that one of the signs of the nearness of the day of resurrection when the unenlightenment pervades.

One of the biggest mistakes which some ignorant Muslims think they can execute the Sharia by their own hands and selves.

The responsible manager (the ruler) of Muslims is THE ONLY ONE who is responsible to execute the Sharia not any one else.

Also there are a lot of conditions and circumstances MUST be available and in use to execute it.

I hope this short answer satisfy your question.

Best Regards

By Shuaibkazi• 21 Nov 2007 23:47

you ar right hippo

the prophet muhammeds uncle was ofa pagan religion andso were many of his other quraish family members

its just nonsense that people come up with to put this religion down

Shame what lenght some people will go to just to prove that they are right?

By the_hippo• 21 Nov 2007 22:00

I am very glad that at last there is a book that will set the record straight. For example, recently someone told me a crazy story that, according to Sharia, it is okay for Muslim family members to kill someone in their own family if that person decides to become a Christian. I hope that this book that you have mentioned will clear this up once and for all, Mofathi, as I cannot believe that any religion in the 21st century could possibly be so intolerant and barbaric.

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