Pizza Hug
I can see the Pizza Hut ad. on the top right, when i click on it,the details it shows is Only for the people stayin in India...:(
They why is it not posted
I thought i would gift tat Pizza card to my galpriend here....but Alas.....:(
M feeling Hungry now, will anyone take me to Pizza Hut ? :(
still i can see 2 ladies hugging each other and makin me jealous...:(
Grrrrr !
Rizks are you also pregnant?
..........And looking for constant food consumption?
....cause one of my friend is same same like that.....
britey, i think Shaun the sheep- knows...:(
"Pizza card to my galpriend here"
Do sheep know anything about Pizza ??
abey Soniya, atleast lemme dream re...:)
And then rizk started having day dreaming thinking to take both of them out today..(Leaving BELLA alone)..
and they look beautiful to you ? :(
And the rizk's eye got drool over those beautiful
yea its Pizza Hug, i can see 2 ladies hugging each other before eating the Pizza in their ad....:(
HUG is Not allowed in QATAR :P
lol Rizks, there is Pizza Hut near where the coffee meet is gonna be tonight.. you can get it from there.. :P